Source code for easy_rec.python.model.rank_model

# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
import logging

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops

from import loss_builder
from easy_rec.python.model.easy_rec_model import EasyRecModel
from easy_rec.python.protos.loss_pb2 import LossType

if tf.__version__ >= '2.0':
  tf = tf.compat.v1

[docs]class RankModel(EasyRecModel):
[docs] def __init__(self, model_config, feature_configs, features, labels=None, is_training=False): super(RankModel, self).__init__(model_config, feature_configs, features, labels, is_training) self._loss_type = self._model_config.loss_type self._num_class = self._model_config.num_class self._losses = self._model_config.losses if self._labels is not None: self._label_name = list(self._labels.keys())[0]
def _output_to_prediction_impl(self, output, loss_type, num_class=1, suffix=''): prediction_dict = {} if loss_type == LossType.F1_REWEIGHTED_LOSS or loss_type == LossType.PAIR_WISE_LOSS: assert num_class == 1, 'num_class must be 1 when loss type is F1_REWEIGHTED_LOSS/PAIR_WISE_LOSS' output = tf.squeeze(output, axis=1) probs = tf.sigmoid(output) prediction_dict['logits' + suffix] = output prediction_dict['probs' + suffix] = probs elif loss_type == LossType.CLASSIFICATION: if num_class == 1: output = tf.squeeze(output, axis=1) probs = tf.sigmoid(output) tf.summary.scalar('prediction/probs', tf.reduce_mean(probs)) prediction_dict['logits' + suffix] = output prediction_dict['probs' + suffix] = probs else: probs = tf.nn.softmax(output, axis=1) prediction_dict['logits' + suffix] = output prediction_dict['probs' + suffix] = probs prediction_dict['logits' + suffix + '_y'] = math_ops.reduce_max( output, axis=1) prediction_dict['probs' + suffix + '_y'] = math_ops.reduce_max( probs, axis=1) prediction_dict['y' + suffix] = tf.argmax(output, axis=1) elif loss_type == LossType.L2_LOSS: output = tf.squeeze(output, axis=1) prediction_dict['y' + suffix] = output elif loss_type == LossType.SIGMOID_L2_LOSS: output = tf.squeeze(output, axis=1) prediction_dict['y' + suffix] = tf.sigmoid(output) return prediction_dict def _add_to_prediction_dict(self, output): prediction_dict = self._output_to_prediction_impl( output, loss_type=self._loss_type, num_class=self._num_class) self._prediction_dict.update(prediction_dict)
[docs] def build_rtp_output_dict(self): """Forward tensor as `rank_predict`, which is a special node for RTP.""" outputs = {} outputs.update(super(RankModel, self).build_rtp_output_dict()) rank_predict = None try: op = tf.get_default_graph().get_operation_by_name('rank_predict') if len(op.outputs) != 1: raise ValueError( ('failed to build RTP rank_predict output: op {}[{}] has output ' + 'size {}, however 1 is expected.').format(, op.type, len(op.outputs))) rank_predict = op.outputs[0] except KeyError: forwarded = None if self._loss_type == LossType.CLASSIFICATION: if 'probs' in self._prediction_dict: forwarded = self._prediction_dict['probs'] else: raise ValueError( 'failed to build RTP rank_predict output: classification model ' + "expect 'probs' prediction, which is not found. Please check if" + ' build_predict_graph() is called.') elif self._loss_type in [LossType.L2_LOSS, LossType.SIGMOID_L2_LOSS]: if 'y' in self._prediction_dict: forwarded = self._prediction_dict['y'] else: raise ValueError( 'failed to build RTP rank_predict output: regression model expect' + "'y' prediction, which is not found. Please check if build_predic" + 't_graph() is called.') else: logging.warning( 'failed to build RTP rank_predict: unsupported loss type {}'.foramt( self._loss_type)) if forwarded is not None: rank_predict = tf.identity(forwarded, name='rank_predict') if rank_predict is not None: outputs['rank_predict'] = rank_predict return outputs
def _build_loss_impl(self, loss_type, label_name, loss_weight=1.0, num_class=1, suffix='', loss_param=None): loss_dict = {} if loss_type == LossType.CLASSIFICATION: loss_name = 'cross_entropy_loss' + suffix pred = self._prediction_dict['logits' + suffix] elif loss_type == LossType.F1_REWEIGHTED_LOSS: loss_name = 'f1_reweighted_loss' + suffix pred = self._prediction_dict['logits' + suffix] elif loss_type == LossType.PAIR_WISE_LOSS: loss_name = 'pairwise_loss' + suffix pred = self._prediction_dict['logits' + suffix] elif loss_type in [LossType.L2_LOSS, LossType.SIGMOID_L2_LOSS]: loss_name = 'l2_loss' + suffix pred = self._prediction_dict['y' + suffix] else: raise ValueError('invalid loss type: %s' % LossType.Name(loss_type)) tf.summary.scalar('labels/%s' % label_name, tf.reduce_mean(tf.to_float(self._labels[label_name]))) loss_dict[loss_name] = loss_type, self._labels[label_name], pred, loss_weight, num_class, loss_param=loss_param) return loss_dict
[docs] def build_loss_graph(self): loss_dict = {} if len(self._losses) == 0: loss_dict = self._build_loss_impl( self._loss_type, label_name=self._label_name, loss_weight=self._sample_weight, num_class=self._num_class) else: for loss in self._losses: loss_param = loss.WhichOneof('loss_param') if loss_param is not None: loss_param = getattr(loss, loss_param) loss_ops = self._build_loss_impl( loss.loss_type, label_name=self._label_name, loss_weight=self._sample_weight, num_class=self._num_class, loss_param=loss_param) for loss_name, loss_value in loss_ops.items(): loss_dict[loss_name] = loss_value * loss.weight self._loss_dict.update(loss_dict) # build kd loss kd_loss_dict = loss_builder.build_kd_loss(self.kd, self._prediction_dict, self._labels) self._loss_dict.update(kd_loss_dict) return self._loss_dict
def _build_metric_impl(self, metric, loss_type, label_name, num_class=1, suffix=''): from easy_rec.python.core.easyrec_metrics import metrics_tf from easy_rec.python.core import metrics as metrics_lib binary_loss_set = { LossType.CLASSIFICATION, LossType.F1_REWEIGHTED_LOSS, LossType.PAIR_WISE_LOSS } metric_dict = {} if metric.WhichOneof('metric') == 'auc': assert loss_type in binary_loss_set if num_class == 1: label = tf.to_int64(self._labels[label_name]) metric_dict['auc' + suffix] = metrics_tf.auc( label, self._prediction_dict['probs' + suffix], num_thresholds=metric.auc.num_thresholds) elif num_class == 2: label = tf.to_int64(self._labels[label_name]) metric_dict['auc' + suffix] = metrics_tf.auc( label, self._prediction_dict['probs' + suffix][:, 1], num_thresholds=metric.auc.num_thresholds) else: raise ValueError('Wrong class number') elif metric.WhichOneof('metric') == 'gauc': assert loss_type in binary_loss_set if num_class == 1: label = tf.to_int64(self._labels[label_name]) uids = self._feature_dict[metric.gauc.uid_field] if isinstance(uids, tf.sparse.SparseTensor): uids = tf.sparse_to_dense( uids.indices, uids.dense_shape, uids.values, default_value='') uids = tf.reshape(uids, [-1]) metric_dict['gauc' + suffix] = metrics_lib.gauc( label, self._prediction_dict['probs' + suffix], uids=uids, reduction=metric.gauc.reduction) elif num_class == 2: label = tf.to_int64(self._labels[label_name]) metric_dict['gauc' + suffix] = metrics_lib.gauc( label, self._prediction_dict['probs' + suffix][:, 1], uids=self._feature_dict[metric.gauc.uid_field], reduction=metric.gauc.reduction) else: raise ValueError('Wrong class number') elif metric.WhichOneof('metric') == 'session_auc': assert loss_type in binary_loss_set if num_class == 1: label = tf.to_int64(self._labels[label_name]) metric_dict['session_auc' + suffix] = metrics_lib.session_auc( label, self._prediction_dict['probs' + suffix], session_ids=self._feature_dict[metric.session_auc.session_id_field], reduction=metric.session_auc.reduction) elif num_class == 2: label = tf.to_int64(self._labels[label_name]) metric_dict['session_auc' + suffix] = metrics_lib.session_auc( label, self._prediction_dict['probs' + suffix][:, 1], session_ids=self._feature_dict[metric.session_auc.session_id_field], reduction=metric.session_auc.reduction) else: raise ValueError('Wrong class number') elif metric.WhichOneof('metric') == 'max_f1': assert loss_type in binary_loss_set if num_class == 1: label = tf.to_int64(self._labels[label_name]) metric_dict['max_f1' + suffix] = metrics_lib.max_f1( label, self._prediction_dict['logits' + suffix]) elif num_class == 2: label = tf.to_int64(self._labels[label_name]) metric_dict['max_f1' + suffix] = metrics_lib.max_f1( label, self._prediction_dict['logits' + suffix][:, 1]) else: raise ValueError('Wrong class number') elif metric.WhichOneof('metric') == 'recall_at_topk': assert loss_type in binary_loss_set assert num_class > 1 label = tf.to_int64(self._labels[label_name]) metric_dict['recall_at_topk' + suffix] = metrics_tf.recall_at_k( label, self._prediction_dict['logits' + suffix], metric.recall_at_topk.topk) elif metric.WhichOneof('metric') == 'mean_absolute_error': label = tf.to_float(self._labels[label_name]) if loss_type in [LossType.L2_LOSS, LossType.SIGMOID_L2_LOSS]: metric_dict['mean_absolute_error' + suffix] = metrics_tf.mean_absolute_error( label, self._prediction_dict['y' + suffix]) elif loss_type == LossType.CLASSIFICATION and num_class == 1: metric_dict['mean_absolute_error' + suffix] = metrics_tf.mean_absolute_error( label, self._prediction_dict['probs' + suffix]) else: assert False, 'mean_absolute_error is not supported for this model' elif metric.WhichOneof('metric') == 'mean_squared_error': label = tf.to_float(self._labels[label_name]) if loss_type in [LossType.L2_LOSS, LossType.SIGMOID_L2_LOSS]: metric_dict['mean_squared_error' + suffix] = metrics_tf.mean_squared_error( label, self._prediction_dict['y' + suffix]) elif num_class == 1 and loss_type in binary_loss_set: metric_dict['mean_squared_error' + suffix] = metrics_tf.mean_squared_error( label, self._prediction_dict['probs' + suffix]) else: assert False, 'mean_squared_error is not supported for this model' elif metric.WhichOneof('metric') == 'root_mean_squared_error': label = tf.to_float(self._labels[label_name]) if loss_type in [LossType.L2_LOSS, LossType.SIGMOID_L2_LOSS]: metric_dict['root_mean_squared_error' + suffix] = metrics_tf.root_mean_squared_error( label, self._prediction_dict['y' + suffix]) elif loss_type == LossType.CLASSIFICATION and num_class == 1: metric_dict['root_mean_squared_error' + suffix] = metrics_tf.root_mean_squared_error( label, self._prediction_dict['probs' + suffix]) else: assert False, 'root_mean_squared_error is not supported for this model' elif metric.WhichOneof('metric') == 'accuracy': assert loss_type == LossType.CLASSIFICATION assert num_class > 1 label = tf.to_int64(self._labels[label_name]) metric_dict['accuracy' + suffix] = metrics_tf.accuracy( label, self._prediction_dict['y' + suffix]) return metric_dict
[docs] def build_metric_graph(self, eval_config): metric_dict = {} for metric in eval_config.metrics_set: metric_dict.update( self._build_metric_impl( metric, loss_type=self._loss_type, label_name=self._label_name, num_class=self._num_class)) return metric_dict
def _get_outputs_impl(self, loss_type, num_class=1, suffix=''): if loss_type in [ LossType.CLASSIFICATION, LossType.F1_REWEIGHTED_LOSS, LossType.PAIR_WISE_LOSS ]: if num_class == 1: return ['probs' + suffix, 'logits' + suffix] else: return [ 'y' + suffix, 'probs' + suffix, 'logits' + suffix, 'probs' + suffix + '_y', 'logits' + suffix + '_y' ] elif loss_type in [LossType.L2_LOSS, LossType.SIGMOID_L2_LOSS]: return ['y' + suffix] else: raise ValueError('invalid loss type: %s' % LossType.Name(loss_type))
[docs] def get_outputs(self): return self._get_outputs_impl(self._loss_type, self._num_class)