Source code for easy_rec.python.inference.predictor

# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import abc
import json
import logging
import math
import os
import time

import numpy as np
import six
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.core.protobuf import meta_graph_pb2
from tensorflow.python.platform import gfile
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import constants
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import signature_constants

from easy_rec.python.utils import numpy_utils
from easy_rec.python.utils.config_util import get_configs_from_pipeline_file
from easy_rec.python.utils.config_util import get_input_name_from_fg_json
from easy_rec.python.utils.config_util import search_fg_json
from easy_rec.python.utils.input_utils import get_type_defaults
from easy_rec.python.utils.load_class import get_register_class_meta

if tf.__version__ >= '2.0':
  tf = tf.compat.v1


_register_abc_meta = get_register_class_meta(
    _PREDICTOR_CLASS_MAP, have_abstract_class=True)

[docs]class PredictorInterface(six.with_metaclass(_register_abc_meta, object)): version = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, model_path, model_config=None): """Init tensorflow session and load tf model. Args: model_path: init model from this directory model_config: config string for model to init, in json format """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def predict(self, input_data, batch_size): """Using session run predict a number of samples using batch_size. Args: input_data: a list of numpy array, each array is a sample to be predicted batch_size: batch_size passed by the caller, you can also ignore this param and use a fixed number if you do not want to adjust batch_size in runtime Returns: result: a list of dict, each dict is the prediction result of one sample eg, {"output1": value1, "output2": value2}, the value type can be python int str float, and numpy array """ pass
[docs] def get_output_type(self): """Get output types of prediction. In this function user should return a type dict, which indicates which type of data should the output of predictor be converted to. In this function user should return a type dict, which indicates which type of data should the output of predictor be converted to * type json, data will be serialized to json str * type image, data will be converted to encode image binary and write to oss file, whose name is output_dir/${key}/${input_filename}_${idx}.jpg, where input_filename is extracted from url, key corresponds to the key in the dict of output_type, if the type of data indexed by key is a list, idx is the index of element in list, otherwhile ${idx} will be empty * type video, data will be converted to encode video binary and write to oss file, eg: return { 'image': 'image', 'feature': 'json' } indicating that the image data in the output dict will be save to image file and feature in output dict will be converted to json """ return {}
[docs]class PredictorImpl(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, model_path, profiling_file=None, use_latest=False): """Impl class for predictor. Args: model_path: saved_model directory or frozenpb file path profiling_file: profiling result file, default None. if not None, predict function will use Timeline to profiling prediction time, and the result json will be saved to profiling_file use_latest: use latest saved_model.pb if multiple ones are found, else raise an exception. """ self._inputs_map = {} self._outputs_map = {} self._is_saved_model = False self._profiling_file = profiling_file self._model_path = model_path self._input_names = [] self._is_multi_placeholder = True self._use_latest = use_latest self._build_model()
@property def input_names(self): return self._input_names @property def output_names(self): return list(self._outputs_map.keys()) def __del__(self): """Destroy predictor resources.""" self._session.close()
[docs] def search_pb(self, directory): """Search pb file recursively in model directory. if multiple pb files exist, exception will be raised. If multiple pb files exist, exception will be raised. Args: directory: model directory. Returns: directory contain pb file """ dir_list = [] for root, dirs, files in gfile.Walk(directory): for f in files: if f.endswith('saved_model.pb'): dir_list.append(root) if len(dir_list) == 0: raise ValueError('savedmodel is not found in directory %s' % directory) elif len(dir_list) > 1: if self._use_latest:'find %d models: %s' % (len(dir_list), ','.join(dir_list))) dir_list = sorted( dir_list, key=lambda x: int(x.split('/')[(-2 if (x[-1] == '/') else -1)])) return dir_list[-1] else: raise ValueError('multiple saved model found in directory %s' % directory) return dir_list[0]
def _get_input_fields_from_pipeline_config(self, model_path): pipeline_path = os.path.join(model_path, 'assets/pipeline.config') if not gfile.Exists(pipeline_path): logging.warning( '%s not exists, default values maybe inconsistent with the values used in training.' % pipeline_path) return {} pipeline_config = get_configs_from_pipeline_file(pipeline_path) input_fields = pipeline_config.data_config.input_fields input_fields_info = { input_field.input_name: (input_field.input_type, input_field.default_val) for input_field in input_fields } input_fields_list = [input_field.input_name for input_field in input_fields] return input_fields_info, input_fields_list def _build_model(self): """Load graph from model_path and create session for this graph.""" model_path = self._model_path self._graph = tf.Graph() gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True) session_config = tf.ConfigProto( gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=(self._profiling_file is not None)) self._session = tf.Session(config=session_config, graph=self._graph) with self._graph.as_default(): with self._session.as_default(): # load model _, ext = os.path.splitext(model_path)'loading model from %s' % model_path) if gfile.IsDirectory(model_path): model_path = self.search_pb(model_path)'model find in %s' % model_path) self._input_fields_info, self._input_fields_list = self._get_input_fields_from_pipeline_config( model_path) assert tf.saved_model.loader.maybe_saved_model_directory(model_path), \ 'saved model does not exists in %s' % model_path self._is_saved_model = True meta_graph_def = tf.saved_model.loader.load( self._session, [tf.saved_model.tag_constants.SERVING], model_path) # parse signature signature_def = meta_graph_def.signature_def[ signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY] inputs = signature_def.inputs # each input_info is a tuple of input_id, name, data_type input_info = [] self._is_multi_placeholder = len(inputs.items()) > 1 if self._is_multi_placeholder: for gid, item in enumerate(inputs.items()): name, tensor = item'Load input binding: %s -> %s' % (name, input_name = input_name, _ = input_name.split(':') try: input_id = input_name.split('_')[-1] input_id = int(input_id) except Exception: # support for models that are not exported by easy_rec # in which case, the order of inputs may not be the # same as they are defined, thereforce, list input # could not be supported, only dict input could be supported logging.warning( 'could not determine input_id from input_name: %s' % input_name) input_id = gid input_info.append((input_id, name, tensor.dtype)) self._inputs_map[name] = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name( else: # only one input, all features concatenate together for name, tensor in inputs.items():'Load input binding: %s -> %s' % (name, input_info.append((0, name, tensor.dtype)) self._inputs_map[name] = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name( # sort inputs by input_ids so as to match the order of csv data input_info.sort(key=lambda t: t[0]) self._input_names = [t[1] for t in input_info] outputs = signature_def.outputs for name, tensor in outputs.items():'Load output binding: %s -> %s' % (name, self._outputs_map[name] = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name( # get assets self._assets = {} asset_files = tf.get_collection(constants.ASSETS_KEY) for any_proto in asset_files: asset_file = meta_graph_pb2.AssetFileDef() any_proto.Unpack(asset_file) type_name =':')[0] asset_path = os.path.join(model_path, constants.ASSETS_DIRECTORY, asset_file.filename) assert gfile.Exists( asset_path), '%s is missing in saved model' % asset_path self._assets[type_name] = asset_path # get export config self._export_config = {} # export_config_collection = tf.get_collection(fields.EVGraphKeys.export_config) # if len(export_config_collection) > 0: # self._export_config = json.loads(export_config_collection[0]) #'load export config info %s' % export_config_collection[0]) else: raise ValueError('currently only savedmodel is supported')
[docs] def predict(self, input_data_dict, output_names=None): """Predict input data with loaded model. Args: input_data_dict: a dict containing all input data, key is the input name, value is the corresponding value output_names: if not None, will fetch certain outputs, if set None, will return all the output info according to the output info in model signature Return: a dict of outputs, key is the output name, value is the corresponding value """ feed_dict = {} for input_name, tensor in six.iteritems(self._inputs_map): assert input_name in input_data_dict, 'input data %s is missing' % input_name tensor_shape = tensor.get_shape().as_list() input_shape = input_data_dict[input_name].shape assert tensor_shape[0] is None or (tensor_shape[0] == input_shape[0]), \ 'input %s batchsize %d is not the same as the exported batch_size %d' % \ (input_name, input_shape[0], tensor_shape[0]) feed_dict[tensor] = input_data_dict[input_name] fetch_dict = {} if output_names is not None: for output_name in output_names: assert output_name in self._outputs_map, \ 'invalid output name %s' % output_name fetch_dict[output_name] = self._outputs_map[output_name] else: fetch_dict = self._outputs_map with self._graph.as_default(): with self._session.as_default(): if self._profiling_file is None: return, feed_dict) else: run_options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE) run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() results = fetch_dict, feed_dict, options=run_options, run_metadata=run_metadata) # Create the Timeline object, and write it to a json from tensorflow.python.client import timeline tl = timeline.Timeline(run_metadata.step_stats) ctf = tl.generate_chrome_trace_format() with gfile.GFile(self._profiling_file, 'w') as f: f.write(ctf) return results
[docs]class Predictor(PredictorInterface):
[docs] def __init__(self, model_path, profiling_file=None, fg_json_path=None, use_latest=True): """Initialize a `Predictor`. Args: model_path: saved_model directory or frozenpb file path profiling_file: profiling result file, default None. if not None, predict function will use Timeline to profiling prediction time, and the result json will be saved to profiling_file fg_json_path: fg.json file use_latest: use latest saved_model.pb if multiple one exists. """ self._predictor_impl = PredictorImpl(model_path, profiling_file, use_latest) self._inputs_map = self._predictor_impl._inputs_map self._outputs_map = self._predictor_impl._outputs_map self._profiling_file = profiling_file self._export_config = self._predictor_impl._export_config self._input_fields_info = self._predictor_impl._input_fields_info self._is_multi_placeholder = self._predictor_impl._is_multi_placeholder self._input_fields = self._predictor_impl._input_fields_list fg_json = self._get_fg_json(fg_json_path, model_path) self._all_input_names = get_input_name_from_fg_json(fg_json)'all_input_names: %s' % self._all_input_names)
@property def input_names(self): """Input names of the model. Returns: a list, which conaining the name of input nodes available in model """ return list(self._inputs_map.keys()) @property def output_names(self): """Output names of the model. Returns: a list, which conaining the name of outputs nodes available in model """ return list(self._outputs_map.keys()) def _get_defaults(self, col_name, col_type='string'): if col_name in self._input_fields_info: col_type, default_val = self._input_fields_info[col_name] default_val = get_type_defaults(col_type, default_val)'col_name: %s, default_val: %s' % (col_name, default_val)) else: defaults = {'string': '', 'double': 0.0, 'bigint': 0} assert col_type in defaults, 'invalid col_type: %s, col_type: %s' % ( col_name, col_type) default_val = defaults[col_type] 'col_name: %s, default_val: %s.[not defined in saved_model_dir/assets/pipeline.config]' % (col_name, default_val)) return default_val def _parse_line(self, line): pass def _get_dataset(self, input_path, num_parallel_calls, batch_size, slice_num, slice_id): pass def _get_writer(self, output_path, slice_id): pass def _get_reserved_cols(self, reserved_cols): pass @property def out_of_range_exception(self): return None def _write_lines(self, table_writer, outputs): pass
[docs] def load_to_table(self, output_path, slice_num, slice_id): pass
def _get_fg_json(self, fg_json_path, model_path): if fg_json_path and gfile.Exists(fg_json_path):'load fg_json_path: ', fg_json_path) with tf.gfile.GFile(fg_json_path, 'r') as fin: fg_json = json.loads( else: fg_json_path = search_fg_json(model_path) if fg_json_path: with tf.gfile.GFile(fg_json_path, 'r') as fin: fg_json = json.loads( else: fg_json = {} return fg_json def _get_reserve_vals(self, reserved_cols, output_cols, all_vals, outputs): pass
[docs] def predict_impl( self, input_path, output_path, reserved_cols='', output_cols=None, batch_size=1024, slice_id=0, slice_num=1, ): """Predict table input with loaded model. Args: input_path: table/file_path to read output_path: table/file_path to write reserved_cols: columns to be copy to output_table, comma separated, such as "a,b" output_cols: output columns, comma separated, such as "y float, embedding string", the output names[y, embedding] must be in saved_model output_names batch_size: predict batch size slice_id: when multiple workers write the same table, each worker should be assigned different slice_id, which is usually slice_id slice_num: table slice number """ if output_cols is None or output_cols == 'ALL_COLUMNS': self._output_cols = sorted(self._predictor_impl.output_names)'predict output cols: %s' % self._output_cols) else: # specified as score float,embedding string tmp_cols = [] for x in output_cols.split(','): if x.strip() == '': continue tmp_keys = x.split(' ') tmp_cols.append(tmp_keys[0].strip()) self._output_cols = tmp_cols with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess: num_parallel_calls = 8 self._reserved_args = reserved_cols dataset = self._get_dataset(input_path, num_parallel_calls, batch_size, slice_num, slice_id) dataset = self._parse_line, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls) if hasattr(, 'make_one_shot_iterator'): iterator = else: iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() all_dict = iterator.get_next() self._reserved_cols = self._get_reserved_cols(reserved_cols) input_names = self._predictor_impl.input_names table_writer = self._get_writer(output_path, slice_id) def _parse_value(all_vals): if self._is_multi_placeholder: if SINGLE_PLACEHOLDER_FEATURE_KEY in all_vals: feature_vals = all_vals[SINGLE_PLACEHOLDER_FEATURE_KEY] split_index = [] split_vals = {} fg_input_size = len(feature_vals[0].decode('utf-8').split('\002')) if fg_input_size == len(input_names): for i, k in enumerate(input_names): split_index.append(k) split_vals[k] = [] else: assert self._all_input_names, 'must set fg_json_path when use fg input' assert fg_input_size == len(self._all_input_names), ( 'The number of features defined in fg_json != the size of fg input. ' 'The number of features defined in fg_json is: %d; The size of fg input is: %d' % (len(self._all_input_names), fg_input_size)) for i, k in enumerate(self._all_input_names): split_index.append(k) split_vals[k] = [] for record in feature_vals: split_records = record.decode('utf-8').split('\002') for i, r in enumerate(split_records): split_vals[split_index[i]].append(r) return {k: np.array(split_vals[k]) for k in input_names} return {k: all_vals[k] for k in input_names} progress = 0 sum_t0, sum_t1, sum_t2 = 0, 0, 0 while True: try: ts0 = time.time() all_vals = ts1 = time.time() input_vals = _parse_value(all_vals) outputs = self._predictor_impl.predict(input_vals, self._output_cols) for x in self._output_cols: if outputs[x].dtype == np.object: outputs[x] = [val.decode('utf-8') for val in outputs[x]] elif len(outputs[x].shape) == 2 and outputs[x].shape[1] == 1: # automatic flatten only one element array outputs[x] = [val[0] for val in outputs[x]] elif len(outputs[x].shape) > 1: outputs[x] = [ json.dumps(val, cls=numpy_utils.NumpyEncoder) for val in outputs[x] ] for k in self._reserved_cols: if k in all_vals and all_vals[k].dtype == np.object: all_vals[k] = [val.decode('utf-8') for val in all_vals[k]] ts2 = time.time() reserve_vals = self._get_reserve_vals(self._reserved_cols, self._output_cols, all_vals, outputs) outputs = [x for x in zip(*reserve_vals)]'predict size: %s' % len(outputs)) self._write_lines(table_writer, outputs) ts3 = time.time() progress += 1 sum_t0 += (ts1 - ts0) sum_t1 += (ts2 - ts1) sum_t2 += (ts3 - ts2) except self.out_of_range_exception: break if progress % 100 == 0:'progress: batch_num=%d sample_num=%d' % (progress, progress * batch_size))'time_stats: read: %.2f predict: %.2f write: %.2f' % (sum_t0, sum_t1, sum_t2))'Final_time_stats: read: %.2f predict: %.2f write: %.2f' % (sum_t0, sum_t1, sum_t2)) table_writer.close() self.load_to_table(output_path, slice_num, slice_id)'Predict %s done.' % input_path)
[docs] def predict(self, input_data_dict_list, output_names=None, batch_size=1): """Predict input data with loaded model. Args: input_data_dict_list: list of dict output_names: if not None, will fetch certain outputs, if set None, will batch_size: batch_size used to predict, -1 indicates to use the real batch_size Return: a list of dict, each dict contain a key-value pair for output_name, output_value """ num_example = len(input_data_dict_list) assert num_example > 0, 'input data should not be an empty list' assert isinstance(input_data_dict_list[0], dict) or \ isinstance(input_data_dict_list[0], list) or \ isinstance(input_data_dict_list[0], str), 'input is not a list or dict or str' if batch_size > 0: num_batches = int(math.ceil(float(num_example) / batch_size)) else: num_batches = 1 batch_size = len(input_data_dict_list) outputs_list = [] for batch_idx in range(num_batches): batch_data_list = input_data_dict_list[batch_idx * batch_size:(batch_idx + 1) * batch_size] feed_dict = self.batch(batch_data_list) outputs = self._predictor_impl.predict(feed_dict, output_names) for idx in range(len(batch_data_list)): single_result = {} for key, batch_value in six.iteritems(outputs): single_result[key] = batch_value[idx] outputs_list.append(single_result) return outputs_list
[docs] def batch(self, data_list): """Batching the data.""" batch_input = {key: [] for key in self._predictor_impl.input_names} for data in data_list: if isinstance(data, dict): for key in data: batch_input[key].append(data[key]) elif isinstance(data, list): assert len(self._predictor_impl.input_names) == len(data), \ 'input fields number incorrect, should be %d, but %d' \ % (len(self._predictor_impl.input_names), len(data)) for key, v in zip(self._predictor_impl.input_names, data): if key != '': batch_input[key].append(v) elif isinstance(data, str): batch_input[self._predictor_impl.input_names[0]].append(data) for key in batch_input: batch_input[key] = np.array(batch_input[key]) return batch_input