Source code for easy_rec.python.input.input

# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
import logging
import os
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict

import six
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import sparse_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import string_ops
from tensorflow.python.platform import gfile

from easy_rec.python.core import sampler as sampler_lib
from easy_rec.python.protos.dataset_pb2 import DatasetConfig
from easy_rec.python.utils import conditional
from easy_rec.python.utils import config_util
from easy_rec.python.utils import constant
from easy_rec.python.utils.check_utils import check_split
from easy_rec.python.utils.check_utils import check_string_to_number
from easy_rec.python.utils.expr_util import get_expression
from easy_rec.python.utils.input_utils import get_type_defaults
from easy_rec.python.utils.load_class import get_register_class_meta
from easy_rec.python.utils.load_class import load_by_path
from easy_rec.python.utils.tf_utils import get_tf_type

if tf.__version__ >= '2.0':
  tf = tf.compat.v1

_meta_type = get_register_class_meta(_INPUT_CLASS_MAP, have_abstract_class=True)

[docs]class Input(six.with_metaclass(_meta_type, object)): DATA_OFFSET = 'DATA_OFFSET'
[docs] def __init__(self, data_config, feature_configs, input_path, task_index=0, task_num=1, check_mode=False, pipeline_config=None, **kwargs): self._pipeline_config = pipeline_config self._data_config = data_config self._check_mode = check_mode'check_mode: %s ' % self._check_mode) # tf.estimator.ModeKeys.*, only available before # calling self._build self._mode = None if pipeline_config is not None and pipeline_config.model_config.HasField( 'ev_params'): self._has_ev = True else: self._has_ev = False if self._data_config.auto_expand_input_fields: input_fields = [x for x in self._data_config.input_fields] while len(self._data_config.input_fields) > 0: self._data_config.input_fields.pop() for field in input_fields: tmp_names = config_util.auto_expand_names(field.input_name) for tmp_name in tmp_names: one_field = DatasetConfig.Field() one_field.CopyFrom(field) one_field.input_name = tmp_name self._data_config.input_fields.append(one_field) self._input_fields = [x.input_name for x in data_config.input_fields] self._input_dims = [x.input_dim for x in data_config.input_fields] self._input_field_types = [x.input_type for x in data_config.input_fields] self._input_field_defaults = [ x.default_val for x in data_config.input_fields ] self._label_fields = list(data_config.label_fields) self._feature_fields = list(data_config.feature_fields) self._label_sep = list(data_config.label_sep) self._label_dim = list(data_config.label_dim) if len(self._label_dim) < len(self._label_fields): for x in range(len(self._label_fields) - len(self._label_dim)): self._label_dim.append(1) self._label_udf_map = {} for config in self._data_config.input_fields: if config.HasField('user_define_fn'): self._label_udf_map[config.input_name] = self._load_label_fn(config) self._batch_size = data_config.batch_size self._prefetch_size = data_config.prefetch_size self._feature_configs = list(feature_configs) self._task_index = task_index self._task_num = task_num self._input_path = input_path # findout effective fields self._effective_fields = [] # for multi value inputs, the types maybe different # from the types defined in input_fields # it is used in create_multi_placeholders self._multi_value_types = {} self._multi_value_fields = set() self._normalizer_fn = {} for fc in self._feature_configs: for input_name in fc.input_names: assert input_name in self._input_fields, 'invalid input_name in %s' % str( fc) if input_name not in self._effective_fields: self._effective_fields.append(input_name) if fc.feature_type in [fc.TagFeature, fc.SequenceFeature]: if fc.hash_bucket_size > 0 or len( fc.vocab_list) > 0 or fc.HasField('vocab_file'): self._multi_value_types[fc.input_names[0]] = tf.string self._multi_value_fields.add(fc.input_names[0]) else: self._multi_value_types[fc.input_names[0]] = tf.int64 self._multi_value_fields.add(fc.input_names[0]) if len(fc.input_names) > 1: self._multi_value_types[fc.input_names[1]] = tf.float32 self._multi_value_fields.add(fc.input_names[1]) if fc.feature_type == fc.RawFeature and fc.raw_input_dim > 1: self._multi_value_types[fc.input_names[0]] = tf.float32 self._multi_value_fields.add(fc.input_names[0]) if fc.HasField('normalizer_fn'): feature_name = fc.feature_name if fc.HasField( 'feature_name') else fc.input_names[0] self._normalizer_fn[feature_name] = load_by_path(fc.normalizer_fn) # add sample weight to effective fields if self._data_config.HasField('sample_weight'): self._effective_fields.append(self._data_config.sample_weight) # add uid_field of GAUC and session_fields of SessionAUC if self._pipeline_config is not None: metrics = self._pipeline_config.eval_config.metrics_set for metric in metrics: metric_name = metric.WhichOneof('metric') if metric_name == 'gauc': uid = metric.gauc.uid_field if uid not in self._effective_fields: self._effective_fields.append(uid) elif metric_name == 'session_auc': sid = metric.session_auc.session_id_field if sid not in self._effective_fields: self._effective_fields.append(sid) # check multi task model's metrics model_config = self._pipeline_config.model_config model_name = model_config.WhichOneof('model') if model_name in {'mmoe', 'esmm', 'dbmtl', 'simple_multi_task', 'ple'}: model = getattr(model_config, model_name) towers = [model.ctr_tower, model.cvr_tower ] if model_name == 'esmm' else model.task_towers for tower in towers: metrics = tower.metrics_set for metric in metrics: metric_name = metric.WhichOneof('metric') if metric_name == 'gauc': uid = metric.gauc.uid_field if uid not in self._effective_fields: self._effective_fields.append(uid) elif metric_name == 'session_auc': sid = metric.session_auc.session_id_field if sid not in self._effective_fields: self._effective_fields.append(sid) self._effective_fids = [ self._input_fields.index(x) for x in self._effective_fields ] # sort fids from small to large self._effective_fids = list(set(self._effective_fids)) self._effective_fields = [ self._input_fields[x] for x in self._effective_fids ] self._label_fids = [self._input_fields.index(x) for x in self._label_fields] # virtual fields generated by self._preprocess # which will be inputs to feature columns self._appended_fields = [] # sampler self._sampler = None if input_path is not None: # build sampler only when train and eval self._sampler = self.get_type_defaults = get_type_defaults
def _load_label_fn(self, config): udf_class = config.user_define_fn udf_path = config.user_define_fn_path if config.HasField( 'user_define_fn_path') else None dtype = config.user_define_fn_res_type if config.HasField( 'user_define_fn_res_type') else None if udf_path: if udf_path.startswith('oss://') or udf_path.startswith('hdfs://'): with gfile.GFile(udf_path, 'r') as fin: udf_content = final_udf_tmp_path = '/udf/' final_udf_path = final_udf_tmp_path + udf_path.split('/')[-1]'final udf path %s' % final_udf_path)'udf content: %s' % udf_content) if not gfile.Exists(final_udf_tmp_path): gfile.MkDir(final_udf_tmp_path) with gfile.GFile(final_udf_path, 'w') as fin: fin.write(udf_content) else: final_udf_path = udf_path final_udf_path = final_udf_path[:-3].replace('/', '.') udf_class = final_udf_path + '.' + udf_class'apply udf %s' % udf_class) return load_by_path(udf_class), udf_class, dtype @property def num_epochs(self): if self._data_config.num_epochs > 0: return self._data_config.num_epochs else: return None
[docs] def get_feature_input_fields(self): return [ x for x in self._input_fields if x not in self._label_fields and x != self._data_config.sample_weight ]
[docs] def should_stop(self, curr_epoch): """Check whether have run enough num epochs.""" total_epoch = self.num_epochs if self._mode != tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: total_epoch = 1 return total_epoch is not None and curr_epoch >= total_epoch
[docs] def create_multi_placeholders(self, export_config): """Create multiply placeholders on export, one for each feature. Args: export_config: ExportConfig instance. """ self._mode = tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT if export_config.auto_multi_value: export_fields_name = self._multi_value_fields elif export_config.multi_value_fields: export_fields_name = export_config.multi_value_fields.input_name else: export_fields_name = None placeholder_named_by_input = export_config.placeholder_named_by_input sample_weight_field = '' if self._data_config.HasField('sample_weight'): sample_weight_field = self._data_config.sample_weight if export_config.filter_inputs: effective_fids = list(self._effective_fids) else: effective_fids = [ fid for fid in range(len(self._input_fields)) if self._input_fields[fid] not in self._label_fields and self._input_fields[fid] != sample_weight_field ] inputs = {} for fid in effective_fids: input_name = self._input_fields[fid] if input_name == sample_weight_field: continue if placeholder_named_by_input: placeholder_name = input_name else: placeholder_name = 'input_%d' % fid if input_name in export_fields_name: tf_type = self._multi_value_types[input_name] if input_name in self._multi_value_types \ else get_tf_type(self._input_field_types[fid])'multi value input_name: %s, dtype: %s' % (input_name, tf_type)) finput = array_ops.placeholder( tf_type, [None, None], name=placeholder_name) else: ftype = self._input_field_types[fid] tf_type = get_tf_type(ftype)'input_name: %s, dtype: %s' % (input_name, tf_type)) finput = array_ops.placeholder(tf_type, [None], name=placeholder_name) inputs[input_name] = finput features = {x: inputs[x] for x in inputs} features = self._preprocess(features) return inputs, features['feature']
[docs] def create_placeholders(self, export_config): self._mode = tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT inputs_placeholder = array_ops.placeholder( tf.string, [None], name='features') input_vals = tf.string_split( inputs_placeholder, self._data_config.separator, skip_empty=False).values sample_weight_field = '' if self._data_config.HasField('sample_weight'): sample_weight_field = self._data_config.sample_weight if export_config.filter_inputs: effective_fids = list(self._effective_fids)'number of effective inputs:%d, total number inputs: %d' % (len(effective_fids), len(self._input_fields))) else: effective_fids = [ fid for fid in range(len(self._input_fields)) if self._input_fields[fid] not in self._label_fields and self._input_fields[fid] != sample_weight_field ] 'will not filter any input[except labels], total number inputs:%d' % len(effective_fids)) input_vals = tf.reshape( input_vals, [-1, len(effective_fids)], name='input_reshape') features = {} for tmp_id, fid in enumerate(effective_fids): ftype = self._input_field_types[fid] tf_type = get_tf_type(ftype) input_name = self._input_fields[fid] if tf_type in [tf.float32, tf.double, tf.int32, tf.int64]: features[input_name] = tf.string_to_number( input_vals[:, tmp_id], tf_type, name='input_str_to_%s' % else: if ftype not in [DatasetConfig.STRING]: logging.warning('unexpected field type: ftype=%s tf_type=%s' % (ftype, tf_type)) features[input_name] = input_vals[:, tmp_id] features = self._preprocess(features) return {'features': inputs_placeholder}, features['feature']
def _get_features(self, fields): return fields['feature'] def _get_labels(self, fields): labels = fields['label'] return OrderedDict([ (x, tf.squeeze(labels[x], axis=1) if len(labels[x].get_shape()) == 2 and labels[x].get_shape()[1] == 1 else labels[x]) for x in labels ]) def _as_string(self, field, fc): if field.dtype == tf.string: return field if field.dtype in [tf.float32, tf.double]: feature_name = fc.feature_name if fc.HasField( 'feature_name') else fc.input_names[0] assert fc.precision > 0, 'fc.precision not set for feature[%s], it is dangerous to convert ' \ 'float or double to string due to precision problem, it is suggested ' \ ' to convert them into string format before using EasyRec; ' \ 'if you really need to do so, please set precision (the number of ' \ 'decimal digits) carefully.' % feature_name precision = None if field.dtype in [tf.float32, tf.double]: if fc.precision > 0: precision = fc.precision # convert to string if 'as_string' in dir(tf.strings): return tf.strings.as_string(field, precision=precision) else: return tf.as_string(field, precision=precision) def _parse_combo_feature(self, fc, parsed_dict, field_dict): # for compatibility with existing implementations feature_name = fc.feature_name if fc.HasField( 'feature_name') else fc.input_names[0] if len(fc.combo_input_seps) > 0: assert len(fc.combo_input_seps) == len(fc.input_names), \ 'len(combo_separator)[%d] != len(fc.input_names)[%d]' % ( len(fc.combo_input_seps), len(fc.input_names)) def _get_input_sep(input_id): if input_id < len(fc.combo_input_seps): return fc.combo_input_seps[input_id] else: return '' if len(fc.combo_join_sep) == 0: for input_id, input_name in enumerate(fc.input_names): if input_id > 0: key = feature_name + '_' + str(input_id) else: key = feature_name input_sep = _get_input_sep(input_id) if input_sep != '': assert field_dict[ input_name].dtype == tf.string, 'could not apply string_split to input-name[%s] dtype=%s' % ( input_name, field_dict[input_name].dtype) parsed_dict[key] = tf.string_split(field_dict[input_name], input_sep) else: parsed_dict[key] = self._as_string(field_dict[input_name], fc) else: if len(fc.combo_input_seps) > 0: split_inputs = [] for input_id, input_name in enumerate(fc.input_names): input_sep = fc.combo_input_seps[input_id] if len(input_sep) > 0: assert field_dict[ input_name].dtype == tf.string, 'could not apply string_split to input-name[%s] dtype=%s' % ( input_name, field_dict[input_name].dtype) split_inputs.append( tf.string_split(field_dict[input_name], fc.combo_input_seps[input_id])) else: split_inputs.append(tf.reshape(field_dict[input_name], [-1, 1])) parsed_dict[feature_name] = sparse_ops.sparse_cross( split_inputs, fc.combo_join_sep) else: inputs = [ self._as_string(field_dict[input_name], fc) for input_name in fc.input_names ] parsed_dict[feature_name] = string_ops.string_join( inputs, fc.combo_join_sep) def _parse_tag_feature(self, fc, parsed_dict, field_dict): input_0 = fc.input_names[0] feature_name = fc.feature_name if fc.HasField('feature_name') else input_0 field = field_dict[input_0] # Construct the output of TagFeature according to the dimension of field_dict. # When the input field exceeds 2 dimensions, convert TagFeature to 2D output. if len(field.get_shape()) < 2 or field.get_shape()[-1] == 1: if len(field.get_shape()) == 0: field = tf.expand_dims(field, axis=0) elif len(field.get_shape()) == 2: field = tf.squeeze(field, axis=-1) if fc.HasField('kv_separator') and len(fc.input_names) > 1: assert False, 'Tag Feature Error, ' \ 'Cannot set kv_separator and multi input_names in one feature config. Feature: %s.' % input_0 parsed_dict[feature_name] = tf.string_split(field, fc.separator) if fc.HasField('kv_separator'): indices = parsed_dict[feature_name].indices tmp_kvs = parsed_dict[feature_name].values tmp_kvs = tf.string_split(tmp_kvs, fc.kv_separator, skip_empty=False) tmp_kvs = tf.reshape(tmp_kvs.values, [-1, 2]) tmp_ks, tmp_vs = tmp_kvs[:, 0], tmp_kvs[:, 1] check_list = [ tf.py_func(check_string_to_number, [tmp_vs, input_0], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): tmp_vs = tf.string_to_number( tmp_vs, tf.float32, name='kv_tag_wgt_str_2_flt_%s' % input_0) parsed_dict[feature_name] = tf.sparse.SparseTensor( indices, tmp_ks, parsed_dict[feature_name].dense_shape) parsed_dict[feature_name + '_w'] = tf.sparse.SparseTensor( indices, tmp_vs, parsed_dict[feature_name].dense_shape) if not fc.HasField('hash_bucket_size') and fc.num_buckets > 0: check_list = [ tf.py_func( check_string_to_number, [parsed_dict[feature_name].values, input_0], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): vals = tf.string_to_number( parsed_dict[feature_name].values, tf.int32, name='tag_fea_%s' % input_0) parsed_dict[feature_name] = tf.sparse.SparseTensor( parsed_dict[feature_name].indices, vals, parsed_dict[feature_name].dense_shape) if len(fc.input_names) > 1: input_1 = fc.input_names[1] field = field_dict[input_1] if len(field.get_shape()) == 0: field = tf.expand_dims(field, axis=0) field = tf.string_split(field, fc.separator) check_list = [ tf.py_func( check_string_to_number, [field.values, input_1], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): field_vals = tf.string_to_number( field.values, tf.float32, name='tag_wgt_str_2_flt_%s' % input_1) assert_op = tf.assert_equal( tf.shape(field_vals)[0], tf.shape(parsed_dict[feature_name].values)[0], message='TagFeature Error: The size of %s not equal to the size of %s. Please check input: %s and %s.' % (input_0, input_1, input_0, input_1)) with tf.control_dependencies([assert_op]): field = tf.sparse.SparseTensor(field.indices, tf.identity(field_vals), field.dense_shape) parsed_dict[feature_name + '_w'] = field else: parsed_dict[feature_name] = field_dict[input_0] if len(fc.input_names) > 1: input_1 = fc.input_names[1] parsed_dict[feature_name + '_w'] = field_dict[input_1] def _parse_expr_feature(self, fc, parsed_dict, field_dict): fea_name = fc.feature_name prefix = 'expr_' for input_name in fc.input_names: new_input_name = prefix + input_name if field_dict[input_name].dtype == tf.string: check_list = [ tf.py_func( check_string_to_number, [field_dict[input_name], input_name], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): parsed_dict[new_input_name] = tf.string_to_number( field_dict[input_name], tf.float64, name='%s_str_2_int_for_expr' % new_input_name) elif field_dict[input_name].dtype in [ tf.int32, tf.int64, tf.double, tf.float32 ]: parsed_dict[new_input_name] = tf.cast(field_dict[input_name], tf.float64) else: assert False, 'invalid input dtype[%s] for expr feature' % str( field_dict[input_name].dtype) expression = get_expression(fc.expression, fc.input_names, prefix=prefix)'expression: %s' % expression) parsed_dict[fea_name] = eval(expression) self._appended_fields.append(fea_name) def _parse_id_feature(self, fc, parsed_dict, field_dict): input_0 = fc.input_names[0] feature_name = fc.feature_name if fc.HasField('feature_name') else input_0 parsed_dict[feature_name] = field_dict[input_0] if fc.HasField('hash_bucket_size'): if field_dict[input_0].dtype != tf.string: parsed_dict[feature_name] = self._as_string(field_dict[input_0], fc) elif fc.num_buckets > 0: if parsed_dict[feature_name].dtype == tf.string: check_list = [ tf.py_func( check_string_to_number, [parsed_dict[feature_name], input_0], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): parsed_dict[feature_name] = tf.string_to_number( parsed_dict[feature_name], tf.int32, name='%s_str_2_int' % input_0) def _parse_raw_feature(self, fc, parsed_dict, field_dict): input_0 = fc.input_names[0] feature_name = fc.feature_name if fc.HasField('feature_name') else input_0 if field_dict[input_0].dtype == tf.string: if fc.HasField('seq_multi_sep') and fc.HasField('combiner'): fea = tf.string_split(field_dict[input_0], fc.seq_multi_sep) segment_ids = fea.indices[:, 0] vals = fea.values else: vals = field_dict[input_0] segment_ids = tf.range(0, tf.shape(vals)[0]) if fc.raw_input_dim > 1: check_list = [ tf.py_func( check_split, [vals, fc.separator, fc.raw_input_dim, input_0], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): tmp_fea = tf.string_split(vals, fc.separator) check_list = [ tf.py_func( check_string_to_number, [tmp_fea.values, input_0], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): tmp_vals = tf.string_to_number( tmp_fea.values, tf.float32, name='multi_raw_fea_to_flt_%s' % input_0) if fc.HasField('seq_multi_sep') and fc.HasField('combiner'): emb = tf.reshape(tmp_vals, [-1, fc.raw_input_dim]) if fc.combiner == 'max': emb = tf.segment_max(emb, segment_ids) elif fc.combiner == 'sum': emb = tf.segment_sum(emb, segment_ids) elif fc.combiner == 'min': emb = tf.segment_min(emb, segment_ids) elif fc.combiner == 'mean': emb = tf.segment_mean(emb, segment_ids) else: assert False, 'unsupported combine operator: ' + fc.combiner parsed_dict[feature_name] = emb else: parsed_dict[feature_name] = tf.sparse_to_dense( tmp_fea.indices, [tf.shape(field_dict[input_0])[0], fc.raw_input_dim], tmp_vals, default_value=0) elif fc.HasField('seq_multi_sep') and fc.HasField('combiner'): check_list = [ tf.py_func(check_string_to_number, [vals, input_0], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): emb = tf.string_to_number( vals, tf.float32, name='raw_fea_to_flt_%s' % input_0) if fc.combiner == 'max': emb = tf.segment_max(emb, segment_ids) elif fc.combiner == 'sum': emb = tf.segment_sum(emb, segment_ids) elif fc.combiner == 'min': emb = tf.segment_min(emb, segment_ids) elif fc.combiner == 'mean': emb = tf.segment_mean(emb, segment_ids) else: assert False, 'unsupported combine operator: ' + fc.combiner parsed_dict[feature_name] = emb else: check_list = [ tf.py_func( check_string_to_number, [field_dict[input_0], input_0], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): parsed_dict[feature_name] = tf.string_to_number( field_dict[input_0], tf.float32) elif field_dict[input_0].dtype in [ tf.int32, tf.int64, tf.double, tf.float32 ]: parsed_dict[feature_name] = tf.to_float(field_dict[input_0]) else: assert False, 'invalid dtype[%s] for raw feature' % str( field_dict[input_0].dtype) if fc.max_val > fc.min_val: parsed_dict[feature_name] = (parsed_dict[feature_name] - fc.min_val) / ( fc.max_val - fc.min_val) if fc.HasField('normalizer_fn'):'apply normalizer_fn %s to `%s`' % (fc.normalizer_fn, feature_name)) parsed_dict[feature_name] = self._normalizer_fn[feature_name]( parsed_dict[feature_name]) if not fc.boundaries and fc.num_buckets <= 1 and \ fc.embedding_dim > 0 and \ self._data_config.sample_weight != input_0: # may need by wide model and deep model to project # raw values to a vector, it maybe better implemented # by a ProjectionColumn later sample_num = tf.to_int64(tf.shape(parsed_dict[feature_name])[0]) indices_0 = tf.range(sample_num, dtype=tf.int64) indices_1 = tf.range(fc.raw_input_dim, dtype=tf.int64) indices_0 = indices_0[:, None] indices_1 = indices_1[None, :] indices_0 = tf.tile(indices_0, [1, fc.raw_input_dim]) indices_1 = tf.tile(indices_1, [sample_num, 1]) indices_0 = tf.reshape(indices_0, [-1, 1]) indices_1 = tf.reshape(indices_1, [-1, 1]) indices = tf.concat([indices_0, indices_1], axis=1) tmp_parsed = parsed_dict[feature_name] parsed_dict[feature_name + '_raw_proj_id'] = tf.SparseTensor( indices=indices, values=indices_1[:, 0], dense_shape=[sample_num, fc.raw_input_dim]) parsed_dict[feature_name + '_raw_proj_val'] = tf.SparseTensor( indices=indices, values=tf.reshape(tmp_parsed, [-1]), dense_shape=[sample_num, fc.raw_input_dim]) # self._appended_fields.append(input_0 + '_raw_proj_id') # self._appended_fields.append(input_0 + '_raw_proj_val') def _parse_seq_feature(self, fc, parsed_dict, field_dict): input_0 = fc.input_names[0] feature_name = fc.feature_name if fc.HasField('feature_name') else input_0 field = field_dict[input_0] sub_feature_type = fc.sub_feature_type # Construct the output of SeqFeature according to the dimension of field_dict. # When the input field exceeds 2 dimensions, convert SeqFeature to 2D output. if len(field.get_shape()) < 2: parsed_dict[feature_name] = tf.strings.split(field, fc.separator) if fc.HasField('seq_multi_sep'): indices = parsed_dict[feature_name].indices values = parsed_dict[feature_name].values multi_vals = tf.string_split(values, fc.seq_multi_sep) indices_1 = multi_vals.indices indices = tf.gather(indices, indices_1[:, 0]) out_indices = tf.concat([indices, indices_1[:, 1:]], axis=1) # 3 dimensional sparse tensor out_shape = tf.concat( [parsed_dict[feature_name].dense_shape, multi_vals.dense_shape[1:]], axis=0) parsed_dict[feature_name] = tf.sparse.SparseTensor( out_indices, multi_vals.values, out_shape) if (fc.num_buckets > 1 and fc.max_val == fc.min_val): check_list = [ tf.py_func( check_string_to_number, [parsed_dict[feature_name].values, input_0], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): parsed_dict[feature_name] = tf.sparse.SparseTensor( parsed_dict[feature_name].indices, tf.string_to_number( parsed_dict[feature_name].values, tf.int64, name='sequence_str_2_int_%s' % input_0), parsed_dict[feature_name].dense_shape) elif sub_feature_type == fc.RawFeature: check_list = [ tf.py_func( check_string_to_number, [parsed_dict[feature_name].values, input_0], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): parsed_dict[feature_name] = tf.sparse.SparseTensor( parsed_dict[feature_name].indices, tf.string_to_number( parsed_dict[feature_name].values, tf.float32, name='sequence_str_2_float_%s' % input_0), parsed_dict[feature_name].dense_shape) if fc.num_buckets > 1 and fc.max_val > fc.min_val: normalized_values = (parsed_dict[feature_name].values - fc.min_val) / ( fc.max_val - fc.min_val) parsed_dict[feature_name] = tf.sparse.SparseTensor( parsed_dict[feature_name].indices, normalized_values, parsed_dict[feature_name].dense_shape) else: parsed_dict[feature_name] = field if not fc.boundaries and fc.num_buckets <= 1 and\ self._data_config.sample_weight != input_0 and\ sub_feature_type == fc.RawFeature and\ fc.raw_input_dim == 1: 'Not set boundaries or num_buckets or hash_bucket_size, %s will process as two dimension sequence raw feature' % feature_name) parsed_dict[feature_name] = tf.sparse_to_dense( parsed_dict[feature_name].indices, [tf.shape(parsed_dict[feature_name])[0], fc.sequence_length], parsed_dict[feature_name].values) sample_num = tf.to_int64(tf.shape(parsed_dict[feature_name])[0]) indices_0 = tf.range(sample_num, dtype=tf.int64) indices_1 = tf.range(fc.sequence_length, dtype=tf.int64) indices_0 = indices_0[:, None] indices_1 = indices_1[None, :] indices_0 = tf.tile(indices_0, [1, fc.sequence_length]) indices_1 = tf.tile(indices_1, [sample_num, 1]) indices_0 = tf.reshape(indices_0, [-1, 1]) indices_1 = tf.reshape(indices_1, [-1, 1]) indices = tf.concat([indices_0, indices_1], axis=1) tmp_parsed = parsed_dict[feature_name] parsed_dict[feature_name + '_raw_proj_id'] = tf.SparseTensor( indices=indices, values=indices_1[:, 0], dense_shape=[sample_num, fc.sequence_length]) parsed_dict[feature_name + '_raw_proj_val'] = tf.SparseTensor( indices=indices, values=tf.reshape(tmp_parsed, [-1]), dense_shape=[sample_num, fc.sequence_length]) elif (not fc.boundaries and fc.num_buckets <= 1 and self._data_config.sample_weight != input_0 and sub_feature_type == fc.RawFeature and fc.raw_input_dim > 1): # for 3 dimension sequence feature input.'Not set boundaries or num_buckets or hash_bucket_size,' ' %s will process as three dimension sequence raw feature' % feature_name) parsed_dict[feature_name] = tf.sparse_to_dense( parsed_dict[feature_name].indices, [ tf.shape(parsed_dict[feature_name])[0], fc.sequence_length, fc.raw_input_dim ], parsed_dict[feature_name].values) sample_num = tf.to_int64(tf.shape(parsed_dict[feature_name])[0]) indices_0 = tf.range(sample_num, dtype=tf.int64) indices_1 = tf.range(fc.sequence_length, dtype=tf.int64) indices_2 = tf.range(fc.raw_input_dim, dtype=tf.int64) indices_0 = indices_0[:, None, None] indices_1 = indices_1[None, :, None] indices_2 = indices_2[None, None, :] indices_0 = tf.tile(indices_0, [1, fc.sequence_length, fc.raw_input_dim]) indices_1 = tf.tile(indices_1, [sample_num, 1, fc.raw_input_dim]) indices_2 = tf.tile(indices_2, [sample_num, fc.sequence_length, 1]) indices_0 = tf.reshape(indices_0, [-1, 1]) indices_1 = tf.reshape(indices_1, [-1, 1]) indices_2 = tf.reshape(indices_2, [-1, 1]) indices = tf.concat([indices_0, indices_1, indices_2], axis=1) tmp_parsed = parsed_dict[feature_name] parsed_dict[feature_name + '_raw_proj_id'] = tf.SparseTensor( indices=indices, values=indices_1[:, 0], dense_shape=[sample_num, fc.sequence_length, fc.raw_input_dim]) parsed_dict[feature_name + '_raw_proj_val'] = tf.SparseTensor( indices=indices, values=tf.reshape(parsed_dict[feature_name], [-1]), dense_shape=[sample_num, fc.sequence_length, fc.raw_input_dim]) # self._appended_fields.append(input_0 + '_raw_proj_id') # self._appended_fields.append(input_0 + '_raw_proj_val') def _preprocess(self, field_dict): """Preprocess the feature columns. preprocess some feature columns, such as TagFeature or LookupFeature, it is expected to handle batch inputs and single input, it could be customized in subclasses Args: field_dict: string to tensor, tensors are dense, could be of shape [batch_size], [batch_size, None], or of shape [] Returns: output_dict: some of the tensors are transformed into sparse tensors, such as input tensors of tag features and lookup features """ parsed_dict = {} if self._sampler is not None and self._mode != tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: if self._mode != tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: self._sampler.set_eval_num_sample() sampler_type = self._data_config.WhichOneof('sampler') sampler_config = getattr(self._data_config, sampler_type) item_ids = field_dict[sampler_config.item_id_field] if sampler_type in ['negative_sampler', 'negative_sampler_in_memory']: sampled = self._sampler.get(item_ids) elif sampler_type == 'negative_sampler_v2': user_ids = field_dict[sampler_config.user_id_field] sampled = self._sampler.get(user_ids, item_ids) elif sampler_type.startswith('hard_negative_sampler'): user_ids = field_dict[sampler_config.user_id_field] sampled = self._sampler.get(user_ids, item_ids) else: raise ValueError('Unknown sampler %s' % sampler_type) for k, v in sampled.items(): if k in field_dict: field_dict[k] = tf.concat([field_dict[k], v], axis=0) else: print('appended fields: %s' % k) parsed_dict[k] = v self._appended_fields.append(k) for fc in self._feature_configs: feature_name = fc.feature_name feature_type = fc.feature_type if feature_type == fc.TagFeature: self._parse_tag_feature(fc, parsed_dict, field_dict) elif feature_type == fc.LookupFeature: assert feature_name is not None and feature_name != '' assert len(fc.input_names) == 2 parsed_dict[feature_name] = self._lookup_preprocess(fc, field_dict) elif feature_type == fc.SequenceFeature: self._parse_seq_feature(fc, parsed_dict, field_dict) elif feature_type == fc.RawFeature: self._parse_raw_feature(fc, parsed_dict, field_dict) elif feature_type == fc.IdFeature: self._parse_id_feature(fc, parsed_dict, field_dict) elif feature_type == fc.ExprFeature: self._parse_expr_feature(fc, parsed_dict, field_dict) elif feature_type == fc.ComboFeature: self._parse_combo_feature(fc, parsed_dict, field_dict) else: feature_name = fc.feature_name if fc.HasField( 'feature_name') else fc.input_names[0] for input_id, input_name in enumerate(fc.input_names): if input_id > 0: key = feature_name + '_' + str(input_id) else: key = feature_name parsed_dict[key] = field_dict[input_name] label_dict = {} for input_id, input_name in enumerate(self._label_fields): if input_name not in field_dict: continue if input_name in self._label_udf_map: udf, udf_class, dtype = self._label_udf_map[input_name] if dtype is None or dtype == '':'apply tensorflow function transform: %s' % udf_class) field_dict[input_name] = udf(field_dict[input_name]) else: assert dtype is not None, 'must set user_define_fn_res_type''apply py_func transform: %s' % udf_class) field_dict[input_name] = tf.py_func( udf, [field_dict[input_name]], Tout=get_tf_type(dtype)) field_dict[input_name].set_shape(tf.TensorShape([None])) if field_dict[input_name].dtype == tf.string: if self._label_dim[input_id] > 1:'will split labels[%d]=%s' % (input_id, input_name)) check_list = [ tf.py_func( check_split, [ field_dict[input_name], self._label_sep[input_id], self._label_dim[input_id], input_name ], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): label_dict[input_name] = tf.string_split( field_dict[input_name], self._label_sep[input_id]).values label_dict[input_name] = tf.reshape(label_dict[input_name], [-1, self._label_dim[input_id]]) else: label_dict[input_name] = field_dict[input_name] check_list = [ tf.py_func( check_string_to_number, [label_dict[input_name], input_name], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): label_dict[input_name] = tf.string_to_number( label_dict[input_name], tf.float32, name=input_name) else: assert field_dict[input_name].dtype in [ tf.float32, tf.double, tf.int32, tf.int64 ], 'invalid label dtype: %s' % str(field_dict[input_name].dtype) label_dict[input_name] = field_dict[input_name] if self._data_config.HasField('sample_weight'): if self._mode != tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: parsed_dict[constant.SAMPLE_WEIGHT] = field_dict[ self._data_config.sample_weight] if Input.DATA_OFFSET in field_dict: parsed_dict[Input.DATA_OFFSET] = field_dict[Input.DATA_OFFSET] return {'feature': parsed_dict, 'label': label_dict} def _lookup_preprocess(self, fc, field_dict): """Preprocess function for lookup features. Args: fc: FeatureConfig field_dict: input dict Returns: output_dict: add { feature_name:SparseTensor} with other items similar as field_dict """ max_sel_num = fc.lookup_max_sel_elem_num def _lookup(args, pad=True): one_key, one_map = args[0], args[1] if len(one_map.get_shape()) == 0: one_map = tf.expand_dims(one_map, axis=0) kv_map = tf.string_split(one_map, fc.separator).values kvs = tf.string_split(kv_map, fc.kv_separator) kvs = tf.reshape(kvs.values, [-1, 2], name='kv_split_reshape') keys, vals = kvs[:, 0], kvs[:, 1] sel_ids = tf.where(tf.equal(keys, one_key)) sel_ids = tf.squeeze(sel_ids, axis=1) sel_vals = tf.gather(vals, sel_ids) if not pad: return sel_vals n = tf.shape(sel_vals)[0] sel_vals = tf.pad(sel_vals, [[0, max_sel_num - n]]) len_msk = tf.sequence_mask(n, max_sel_num) indices = tf.range(max_sel_num, dtype=tf.int64) indices = indices * tf.to_int64(indices < tf.to_int64(n)) return sel_vals, len_msk, indices key_field, map_field = fc.input_names[0], fc.input_names[1] key_fields, map_fields = field_dict[key_field], field_dict[map_field] if len(key_fields.get_shape()) == 0: vals = _lookup((key_fields, map_fields), False) n = tf.shape(vals)[0] n = tf.to_int64(n) indices_0 = tf.zeros([n], dtype=tf.int64) indices_1 = tf.range(0, n, dtype=tf.int64) indices = [ tf.expand_dims(indices_0, axis=1), tf.expand_dims(indices_1, axis=1) ] indices = tf.concat(indices, axis=1) return tf.sparse.SparseTensor(indices, vals, [1, n]) vals, masks, indices = tf.map_fn( _lookup, [key_fields, map_fields], dtype=(tf.string, tf.bool, tf.int64)) batch_size = tf.to_int64(tf.shape(vals)[0]) vals = tf.boolean_mask(vals, masks) indices_1 = tf.boolean_mask(indices, masks) indices_0 = tf.range(0, batch_size, dtype=tf.int64) indices_0 = tf.expand_dims(indices_0, axis=1) indices_0 = indices_0 + tf.zeros([1, max_sel_num], dtype=tf.int64) indices_0 = tf.boolean_mask(indices_0, masks) indices = tf.concat( [tf.expand_dims(indices_0, axis=1), tf.expand_dims(indices_1, axis=1)], axis=1) shapes = tf.stack([batch_size, tf.reduce_max(indices_1) + 1]) return tf.sparse.SparseTensor(indices, vals, shapes) @abstractmethod def _build(self, mode, params): raise NotImplementedError def _pre_build(self, mode, params): pass
[docs] def restore(self, checkpoint_path): pass
[docs] def stop(self): pass
def _safe_shard(self, dataset): if self._data_config.chief_redundant: return dataset.shard( max(self._task_num - 1, 1), max(self._task_index - 1, 0)) else: return dataset.shard(self._task_num, self._task_index)
[docs] def create_input(self, export_config=None): def _input_fn(mode=None, params=None, config=None): """Build input_fn for estimator. Args: mode: tf.estimator.ModeKeys.(TRAIN, EVAL, PREDICT) params: `dict` of hyper parameters, from Estimator config: tf.estimator.RunConfig instance Return: if mode is not None, return: features: inputs to the model. labels: groundtruth else, return: tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver instance """ self._pre_build(mode, params) if mode in (tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN, tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL, tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT): # build dataset from self._config.input_path self._mode = mode dataset = self._build(mode, params) return dataset elif mode is None: # serving_input_receiver_fn for export SavedModel place_on_cpu = os.getenv('place_embedding_on_cpu') place_on_cpu = eval(place_on_cpu) if place_on_cpu else False if export_config.multi_placeholder: with conditional(place_on_cpu, ops.device('/CPU:0')): inputs, features = self.create_multi_placeholders(export_config) return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver(features, inputs) else: with conditional(place_on_cpu, ops.device('/CPU:0')): inputs, features = self.create_placeholders(export_config) print('built feature placeholders. features: {}'.format( features.keys())) return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver(features, inputs) _input_fn.input_creator = self return _input_fn