Source code for easy_rec.python.input.rtp_input

# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
import logging

import tensorflow as tf

from easy_rec.python.input.input import Input
from easy_rec.python.ops.gen_str_avx_op import str_split_by_chr
from easy_rec.python.utils.check_utils import check_split
from easy_rec.python.utils.check_utils import check_string_to_number
from easy_rec.python.utils.input_utils import string_to_number
from easy_rec.python.utils.tf_utils import get_tf_type

if tf.__version__ >= '2.0':
  tf = tf.compat.v1

[docs]class RTPInput(Input): """RTPInput for parsing rtp fg new input format. Our new format(csv in csv) of rtp output: label0, item_id, ..., user_id, features here the separator(,) could be specified by data_config.rtp_separator For the feature column, features are separated by , multiple values of one feature are separated by , such as: ...20beautysmartParis... The features column and labels are specified by data_config.selected_cols, columns are selected by indices as our csv file has no header, such as: 0,1,4, means the 4th column is features, the 1st and 2nd columns are labels """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_config, feature_config, input_path, task_index=0, task_num=1, check_mode=False, pipeline_config=None): super(RTPInput, self).__init__(data_config, feature_config, input_path, task_index, task_num, check_mode, pipeline_config)'input_fields: %s label_fields: %s' % (','.join(self._input_fields), ','.join(self._label_fields))) self._rtp_separator = self._data_config.rtp_separator if not isinstance(self._rtp_separator, str): self._rtp_separator = self._rtp_separator.encode('utf-8') self._selected_cols = [ int(x) for x in self._data_config.selected_cols.split(',') ] self._num_cols = -1 self._feature_col_id = self._selected_cols[-1]'rtp separator = %s' % self._rtp_separator)
def _parse_csv(self, line): record_defaults = ['' for i in range(self._num_cols)] # the actual features are in one single column record_defaults[self._feature_col_id] = self._data_config.separator.join([ str(self.get_type_defaults(t, v)) for x, t, v in zip(self._input_fields, self._input_field_types, self._input_field_defaults) if x not in self._label_fields ]) check_list = [ tf.py_func( check_split, [line, self._rtp_separator, len(record_defaults)], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): fields = tf.string_split(line, self._rtp_separator, skip_empty=False) fields = tf.reshape(fields.values, [-1, len(record_defaults)]) labels = [] for idx, x in enumerate(self._selected_cols[:-1]): field = fields[:, x] fname = self._input_fields[idx] ftype = self._input_field_types[idx] tf_type = get_tf_type(ftype) if field.dtype in [tf.string]: check_list = [ tf.py_func(check_string_to_number, [field, fname], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): field = tf.string_to_number(field, tf_type) labels.append(field) # only for features, labels excluded record_types = [ t for x, t in zip(self._input_fields, self._input_field_types) if x not in self._label_fields ] # assume that the last field is the generated feature column print('field_delim = %s' % self._data_config.separator) feature_str = fields[:, self._feature_col_id] check_list = [ tf.py_func( check_split, [feature_str, self._data_config.separator, len(record_types)], Tout=tf.bool) ] if self._check_mode else [] with tf.control_dependencies(check_list): fields = str_split_by_chr( feature_str, self._data_config.separator, skip_empty=False) tmp_fields = tf.reshape(fields.values, [-1, len(record_types)]) rtp_record_defaults = [ str(self.get_type_defaults(t, v)) for x, t, v in zip(self._input_fields, self._input_field_types, self._input_field_defaults) if x not in self._label_fields ] fields = [] for i in range(len(record_types)): field = string_to_number(tmp_fields[:, i], record_types[i], rtp_record_defaults[i], i) fields.append(field) field_keys = [x for x in self._input_fields if x not in self._label_fields] effective_fids = [field_keys.index(x) for x in self._effective_fields] inputs = {field_keys[x]: fields[x] for x in effective_fids} for x in range(len(self._label_fields)): inputs[self._label_fields[x]] = labels[x] return inputs def _build(self, mode, params): if type(self._input_path) != list: self._input_path = self._input_path.split(',') file_paths = [] for x in self._input_path: file_paths.extend(tf.gfile.Glob(x)) assert len(file_paths) > 0, 'match no files with %s' % self._input_path # try to figure out number of fields from one file with tf.gfile.GFile(file_paths[0], 'r') as fin: num_lines = 0 for line_str in fin: line_tok = line_str.strip().split(self._rtp_separator) if self._num_cols != -1: assert self._num_cols == len(line_tok), \ 'num selected cols is %d, not equal to %d, current line is: %s, please check rtp_separator and data.' % \ (self._num_cols, len(line_tok), line_str) self._num_cols = len(line_tok) num_lines += 1 if num_lines > 10: break'num selected cols = %d' % self._num_cols) record_defaults = [ self.get_type_defaults(t, v) for x, t, v in zip(self._input_fields, self._input_field_types, self._input_field_defaults) if x in self._label_fields ] # the features are in one single column record_defaults.append( self._data_config.separator.join([ str(self.get_type_defaults(t, v)) for x, t, v in zip(self._input_fields, self._input_field_types, self._input_field_defaults) if x not in self._label_fields ])) num_parallel_calls = self._data_config.num_parallel_calls if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN:'train files[%d]: %s' % (len(file_paths), ','.join(file_paths))) dataset = if self._data_config.file_shard: dataset = self._safe_shard(dataset) if self._data_config.shuffle: # shuffle input files dataset = dataset.shuffle(len(file_paths)) # too many readers read the same file will cause performance issues # as the same data will be read multiple times parallel_num = min(num_parallel_calls, len(file_paths)) dataset = dataset.interleave(, cycle_length=parallel_num, num_parallel_calls=parallel_num) if not self._data_config.file_shard: dataset = self._safe_shard(dataset) if self._data_config.shuffle: dataset = dataset.shuffle( self._data_config.shuffle_buffer_size, seed=2020, reshuffle_each_iteration=True) dataset = dataset.repeat(self.num_epochs) else:'eval files[%d]: %s' % (len(file_paths), ','.join(file_paths))) dataset = dataset = dataset.repeat(1) dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=self._data_config.batch_size) dataset = self._parse_csv, num_parallel_calls=self._data_config.num_parallel_calls) # preprocess is necessary to transform data # so that they could be feed into FeatureColumns dataset = map_func=self._preprocess, num_parallel_calls=self._data_config.num_parallel_calls) dataset = dataset.prefetch(buffer_size=self._prefetch_size) if mode != tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: dataset = x: (self._get_features(x), self._get_labels(x))) else: dataset = x: (self._get_features(x))) return dataset