Source code for easy_rec.python.layers.multihead_attention

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import tensorflow as tf

if tf.__version__ >= '2.0':
  tf = tf.compat.v1

[docs]class MultiHeadAttention:
[docs] def __init__(self, head_num, head_size, l2_reg, use_res=False, name=''): """Initializes a `MultiHeadAttention` Layer. Args: head_num: The number of heads head_size: The dimension of a head l2_reg: l2 regularizer use_res: Whether to use residual connections before output. name: scope of the MultiHeadAttention, so that the parameters could be separated from other MultiHeadAttention """ self._head_num = head_num self._head_size = head_size self._l2_reg = l2_reg self._use_res = use_res self._name = name
def _split_multihead_qkv(self, q, k, v): """Split multiple heads. Args: q: Query matrix of shape [bs, feature_num, head_num * head_size]. k: Key matrix of shape [bs, feature_num, head_num * head_size]. v: Value matrix of shape [bs, feature_num, head_num * head_size]. Returns: q: Query matrix of shape [bs, head_num, feature_num, head_size]. k: Key matrix of shape [bs, head_num, feature_num, head_size]. v: Value matrix of shape [bs, head_num, feature_num, head_size]. """ reshaped_q = tf.reshape( q, shape=[-1, q.shape[1], self._head_num, self._head_size]) q = tf.transpose(reshaped_q, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) reshaped_k = tf.reshape( k, shape=[-1, k.shape[1], self._head_num, self._head_size]) k = tf.transpose(reshaped_k, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) reshaped_v = tf.reshape( v, shape=[-1, v.shape[1], self._head_num, self._head_size]) v = tf.transpose(reshaped_v, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) return q, k, v def _scaled_dot_product_attention(self, q, k, v): """Calculate scaled dot product attention by q, k and v. Args: q: Query matrix of shape [bs, head_num, feature_num, head_size]. k: Key matrix of shape [bs, head_num, feature_num, head_size]. v: Value matrix of shape [bs, head_num, feature_num, head_size]. Returns: q: Query matrix of shape [bs, head_num, feature_num, head_size]. k: Key matrix of shape [bs, head_num, feature_num, head_size]. v: Value matrix of shape [bs, head_num, feature_num, head_size]. """ product = tf.linalg.matmul( a=q, b=k, transpose_b=True) / ( self._head_size**-0.5) weights = tf.nn.softmax(product) out = tf.linalg.matmul(weights, v) return out def _compute_qkv(self, q, k, v): """Calculate q, k and v matrices. Args: q: Query matrix of shape [bs, feature_num, d_model]. k: Key matrix of shape [bs, feature_num, d_model]. v: Value matrix of shape [bs, feature_num, d_model]. Returns: q: Query matrix of shape [bs, feature_num, head_size * n_head]. k: Key matrix of shape [bs, feature_num, head_size * n_head]. v: Value matrix of shape [bs, feature_num, head_size * n_head]. """ q = tf.layers.dense( q, self._head_num * self._head_size, use_bias=False, kernel_regularizer=self._l2_reg, name='%s/%s/dnn' % (self._name, 'query')) k = tf.layers.dense( k, self._head_num * self._head_size, use_bias=False, kernel_regularizer=self._l2_reg, name='%s/%s/dnn' % (self._name, 'key')) v = tf.layers.dense( v, self._head_num * self._head_size, use_bias=False, kernel_regularizer=self._l2_reg, name='%s/%s/dnn' % (self._name, 'value')) return q, k, v def _combine_heads(self, multi_head_tensor): """Combine the results of multiple heads. Args: multi_head_tensor: Result matrix of shape [bs, head_num, feature_num, head_size]. Returns: out: Result matrix of shape [bs, feature_num, head_num * head_size]. """ x = tf.transpose(multi_head_tensor, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) out = tf.reshape(x, shape=[-1, x.shape[1], x.shape[2] * x.shape[3]]) return out def _multi_head_attention(self, attention_input): """Build multiple heads attention layer. Args: attention_input: The input of interacting layer, has a shape of [bs, feature_num, d_model]. Returns: out: The output of multi head attention layer, has a shape of [bs, feature_num, head_num * head_size]. """ if isinstance(attention_input, list): assert len(attention_input) == 3 or len(attention_input) == 1, \ 'If the input of multi_head_attention is a list, the length must be 1 or 3.' if len(attention_input) == 3: ori_q = attention_input[0] ori_k = attention_input[1] ori_v = attention_input[2] else: ori_q = attention_input[0] ori_k = attention_input[0] ori_v = attention_input[0] else: ori_q = attention_input ori_k = attention_input ori_v = attention_input q, k, v = self._compute_qkv(ori_q, ori_k, ori_v) q, k, v = self._split_multihead_qkv(q, k, v) multi_head_tensor = self._scaled_dot_product_attention(q, k, v) out = self._combine_heads(multi_head_tensor) if self._use_res: W_0_x = tf.layers.dense( ori_v, out.shape[2], use_bias=False, kernel_regularizer=self._l2_reg, name='%s/dnn' % (self._name)) res_out = tf.nn.relu(out + W_0_x) return res_out else: return out def __call__(self, deep_fea): deep_fea = self._multi_head_attention(deep_fea) return deep_fea