Source code for easy_rec.python.utils.config_util

# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
"""Functions for reading and updating configuration files.

Such as Hyper parameter tuning or automatic feature expanding.

import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import sys

import numpy as np
import six
import tensorflow as tf
from google.protobuf import json_format
from google.protobuf import text_format
from import file_io

from easy_rec.python.protos import pipeline_pb2
from easy_rec.python.protos.feature_config_pb2 import FeatureConfig
from easy_rec.python.utils import pai_util
from easy_rec.python.utils.hive_utils import HiveUtils

if tf.__version__ >= '2.0':
  tf = tf.compat.v1

[docs]def search_pipeline_config(directory): dir_list = [] for root, dirs, files in tf.gfile.Walk(directory): for f in files: _, ext = os.path.splitext(f) if ext == '.config': dir_list.append(os.path.join(root, f)) if len(dir_list) == 0: raise ValueError('config is not found in directory %s' % directory) elif len(dir_list) > 1: raise ValueError('config saved model found in directory %s' % directory)'use pipeline config: %s' % dir_list[0]) return dir_list[0]
[docs]def get_configs_from_pipeline_file(pipeline_config_path, auto_expand=True): """Reads config from a file containing pipeline_pb2.EasyRecConfig. Args: pipeline_config_path: Path to pipeline_pb2.EasyRecConfig text proto. Returns: Dictionary of configuration objects. Keys are `model`, `train_config`, `train_input_config`, `eval_config`, `eval_input_config`. Value are the corresponding config objects. """ if isinstance(pipeline_config_path, pipeline_pb2.EasyRecConfig): return pipeline_config_path assert tf.gfile.Exists( pipeline_config_path ), 'pipeline_config_path [%s] not exists' % pipeline_config_path pipeline_config = pipeline_pb2.EasyRecConfig() with tf.gfile.GFile(pipeline_config_path, 'r') as f: config_str = if pipeline_config_path.endswith('.config'): text_format.Merge(config_str, pipeline_config) elif pipeline_config_path.endswith('.json'): json_format.Parse(config_str, pipeline_config) else: assert False, 'invalid file format(%s), currently support formats: .config(prototxt) .json' % pipeline_config_path if auto_expand: return auto_expand_share_feature_configs(pipeline_config) else: return pipeline_config
[docs]def auto_expand_share_feature_configs(pipeline_config): feature_configs = get_compatible_feature_configs(pipeline_config) for share_config in feature_configs: if len(share_config.shared_names) == 0: continue # auto expand all shared_names input_names = [] for input_name in share_config.shared_names: if pipeline_config.data_config.auto_expand_input_fields: input_names.extend(auto_expand_names(input_name)) else: input_names.append(input_name) # make a clean copy while len(share_config.shared_names) > 0: share_config.shared_names.pop() fea_config = FeatureConfig() fea_config.CopyFrom(share_config) while len(fea_config.input_names) > 0: fea_config.input_names.pop() # generate for each item in input_name for tmp_name in input_names: tmp_config = FeatureConfig() tmp_config.CopyFrom(fea_config) tmp_config.input_names.append(tmp_name) if pipeline_config.feature_configs: pipeline_config.feature_configs.append(tmp_config) else: pipeline_config.feature_config.features.append(tmp_config) return pipeline_config
[docs]def auto_expand_names(input_name): """Auto expand field[1-3] to field1, field2, field3. Args: input_name: a string pattern like field[1-3] Returns: a string list of the expanded names Todo: could be extended to support more complicated patterns """ match_obj = re.match(r'([a-zA-Z_]+)\[([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\]', input_name) if match_obj: prefix = sid = int( eid = int( + 1 input_name = ['%s%d' % (prefix, tid) for tid in range(sid, eid)] else: input_name = [input_name] return input_name
[docs]def create_pipeline_proto_from_configs(configs): """Creates a pipeline_pb2.EasyRecConfig from configs dictionary. This function performs the inverse operation of create_configs_from_pipeline_proto(). Args: configs: Dictionary of configs. See get_configs_from_pipeline_file(). Returns: A fully populated pipeline_pb2.EasyRecConfig. """ pipeline_config = pipeline_pb2.EasyRecConfig() pipeline_config.model.CopyFrom(configs['model']) pipeline_config.train_config.CopyFrom(configs['train_config']) pipeline_config.train_input_reader.CopyFrom(configs['train_input_config']) pipeline_config.eval_config.CopyFrom(configs['eval_config']) pipeline_config.eval_input_reader.CopyFrom(configs['eval_input_config']) if 'graph_rewriter_config' in configs: pipeline_config.graph_rewriter.CopyFrom(configs['graph_rewriter_config']) return pipeline_config
[docs]def save_pipeline_config(pipeline_config, directory, filename='pipeline.config'): """Saves a pipeline config text file to disk. Args: pipeline_config: A pipeline_pb2.TrainEvalPipelineConfig. directory: The model directory into which the pipeline config file will be saved. filename: pipelineconfig filename """ if not file_io.file_exists(directory): file_io.recursive_create_dir(directory) pipeline_config_path = os.path.join(directory, filename) # as_utf8=True to make sure pbtxt is human readable when string contains chinese save_message(pipeline_config, pipeline_config_path)
def _get_basic_types(): dtypes = [ bool, int, str, float, type(u''), np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, np.char, np.byte, np.uint8, np.int8, np.int16, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.int32, np.uint64, np.int64, np.bool, np.str ] if six.PY2: dtypes.append(long) # noqa: F821 return dtypes
[docs]def edit_config(pipeline_config, edit_config_json): """Update params specified by automl. Args: pipeline_config: EasyRecConfig edit_config_json: edit config json """ def _type_convert(proto, val, parent=None): if type(val) != type(proto): try: if isinstance(proto, bool): assert val in ['True', 'true', 'False', 'false'] val = val in ['True', 'true'] else: val = type(proto)(val) except ValueError as ex: if parent is None: raise ex assert isinstance(proto, int) val = getattr(parent, val) assert isinstance(val, int) return val def _get_attr(obj, attr, only_last=False): # only_last means we only return the last element in paths array attr_toks = [x.strip() for x in attr.split('.') if x != ''] paths = [] objs = [obj] nobjs = [] for key in attr_toks: # clear old paths to clear new paths paths = [] for obj in objs: if '[' in key: pos = key.find('[') name, cond = key[:pos], key[pos + 1:] cond = cond[:-1] update_objs = getattr(obj, name) # select all update_objs if cond == ':': for tid, update_obj in enumerate(update_objs): paths.append((obj, update_obj, None, tid)) nobjs.append(update_obj) continue # select by range update_objs[1:10] if ':' in cond: colon_pos = cond.find(':') sid = cond[:colon_pos] if len(sid) == 0: sid = 0 else: sid = int(sid) eid = cond[(colon_pos + 1):] if len(eid) == 0: eid = len(update_objs) else: eid = int(eid) for tid, update_obj in enumerate(update_objs[sid:eid]): paths.append((obj, update_obj, None, tid + sid)) nobjs.append(update_obj) continue # for simple index update_objs[0] try: obj_id = int(cond) obj = update_objs[obj_id] paths.append((obj, update_objs, None, obj_id)) nobjs.append(obj) continue except ValueError: pass # for complex conditions a[] op_func_map = { '>=': lambda x, y: x >= y, '<=': lambda x, y: x <= y, '<': lambda x, y: x < y, '>': lambda x, y: x > y, '=': lambda x, y: x == y } cond_key = None cond_val = None op_func = None for op in ['>=', '<=', '>', '<', '=']: tmp_pos = cond.rfind(op) if tmp_pos != -1: cond_key = cond[:tmp_pos] cond_val = cond[(tmp_pos + len(op)):] op_func = op_func_map[op] break assert cond_key is not None, 'invalid cond: %s' % cond assert cond_val is not None, 'invalid cond: %s' % cond for tid, update_obj in enumerate(update_objs): tmp, tmp_parent, _, _ = _get_attr( update_obj, cond_key, only_last=True) cond_val = _type_convert(tmp, cond_val, tmp_parent) if op_func(tmp, cond_val): obj_id = tid paths.append((update_obj, update_objs, None, obj_id)) nobjs.append(update_obj) else: sub_obj = getattr(obj, key) paths.append((sub_obj, obj, key, -1)) nobjs.append(sub_obj) # exchange to prepare for parsing next token objs = nobjs nobjs = [] if only_last: return paths[-1] else: return paths for param_keys in edit_config_json: # multiple keys/vals combination param_vals = edit_config_json[param_keys] param_vals = [x.strip() for x in str(param_vals).split(';')] param_keys = [x.strip() for x in str(param_keys).split(';')] for param_key, param_val in zip(param_keys, param_vals): update_obj = pipeline_config tmp_paths = _get_attr(update_obj, param_key) # update a set of objs for tmp_val, tmp_obj, tmp_name, tmp_id in tmp_paths: # list and dict are not basic types, must be handle separately basic_types = _get_basic_types() if type(tmp_val) in basic_types: # simple type cast tmp_val = _type_convert(tmp_val, param_val, tmp_obj) if tmp_name is None: tmp_obj[tmp_id] = tmp_val else: setattr(tmp_obj, tmp_name, tmp_val) elif 'Scalar' in str(type(tmp_val)) and 'ClearField' in dir(tmp_obj): tmp_obj.ClearField(tmp_name) text_format.Parse('%s:%s' % (tmp_name, param_val), tmp_obj) else: tmp_val.Clear() param_val = param_val.strip() if param_val.startswith('{') and param_val.endswith('}'): param_val = param_val[1:-1] text_format.Parse(param_val, tmp_val) return pipeline_config
[docs]def save_message(protobuf_message, filename): """Saves a pipeline config text file to disk. Args: protobuf_message: A pipeline_pb2.TrainEvalPipelineConfig. filename: pipeline config filename """ directory, _ = os.path.split(filename) if not file_io.file_exists(directory): file_io.recursive_create_dir(directory) # as_utf8=True to make sure pbtxt is human readable when string contains chinese config_text = text_format.MessageToString(protobuf_message, as_utf8=True) with tf.gfile.Open(filename, 'wb') as f:'Writing protobuf message file to %s', filename) f.write(config_text)
[docs]def add_boundaries_to_config(pipeline_config, tables): import common_io feature_boundaries_info = {} reader = common_io.table.TableReader(tables, selected_cols='feature,json') while True: try: record = raw_info = json.loads(record[0][1]) bin_info = [] for info in raw_info['bin']['norm'][:-1]: split_point = float(info['value'].split(',')[1][:-1]) bin_info.append(split_point) feature_boundaries_info[record[0][0]] = bin_info except common_io.exception.OutOfRangeException: reader.close() break'feature boundaries: %s' % feature_boundaries_info) feature_configs = get_compatible_feature_configs(pipeline_config) for feature_config in feature_configs: feature_name = feature_config.input_names[0] if feature_name in feature_boundaries_info: if feature_config.feature_type != feature_config.SequenceFeature: 'feature = {0}, type = {1}, will turn to RawFeature.'.format( feature_name, feature_config.feature_type)) feature_config.feature_type = feature_config.RawFeature feature_config.hash_bucket_size = 0 feature_config.ClearField('boundaries') feature_config.boundaries.extend(feature_boundaries_info[feature_name])'edited %s' % feature_name)
[docs]def get_compatible_feature_configs(pipeline_config): if pipeline_config.feature_configs: feature_configs = pipeline_config.feature_configs else: feature_configs = pipeline_config.feature_config.features return feature_configs
[docs]def parse_time(time_data): """Parse time string to timestamp. Args: time_data: could be two formats: '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S' or '%s' Return: timestamp: int """ if isinstance(time_data, str) or isinstance(time_data, type(u'')): if len(time_data) == 17: return int( datetime.datetime.strptime(time_data, '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S').strftime('%s')) elif len(time_data) == 10: return int(time_data) else: assert 'invalid time string: %s' % time_data else: return int(time_data)
[docs]def search_fg_json(directory): dir_list = [] for root, dirs, files in tf.gfile.Walk(directory): for f in files: _, ext = os.path.splitext(f) if ext == '.json': dir_list.append(os.path.join(root, f)) if len(dir_list) == 0: return None elif len(dir_list) > 1: raise ValueError('fg.json found in directory %s' % directory)'use fg.json: %s' % dir_list[0]) return dir_list[0]
[docs]def get_input_name_from_fg_json(fg_json): if not fg_json: return [] input_names = [] for fea in fg_json['features']: if 'feature_name' in fea: input_names.append(fea['feature_name']) elif 'sequence_name' in fea: sequence_name = fea['sequence_name'] for seq_fea in fea['features']: assert 'feature_name' in seq_fea feature_name = seq_fea['feature_name'] input_names.append(sequence_name + '__' + feature_name) return input_names
[docs]def get_train_input_path(pipeline_config): input_name = pipeline_config.WhichOneof('train_path') return getattr(pipeline_config, input_name)
[docs]def get_eval_input_path(pipeline_config): input_name = pipeline_config.WhichOneof('eval_path') return getattr(pipeline_config, input_name)
[docs]def get_model_dir_path(pipeline_config): model_dir = pipeline_config.model_dir return model_dir
[docs]def set_train_input_path(pipeline_config, train_input_path): if pipeline_config.WhichOneof('train_path') == 'hive_train_input': if isinstance(train_input_path, list): assert len( train_input_path ) <= 1, 'only support one hive_train_input.table_name when hive input' pipeline_config.hive_train_input.table_name = train_input_path[0] else: assert len( train_input_path.split(',') ) <= 1, 'only support one hive_train_input.table_name when hive input' pipeline_config.hive_train_input.table_name = train_input_path'update hive_train_input.table_name to %s' % pipeline_config.hive_train_input.table_name) elif pipeline_config.WhichOneof('train_path') == 'kafka_train_input': if isinstance(train_input_path, list): pipeline_config.kafka_train_input = ','.join(train_input_path) else: pipeline_config.kafka_train_input = train_input_path elif pipeline_config.WhichOneof('train_path') == 'parquet_train_input': if isinstance(train_input_path, list): pipeline_config.parquet_train_input = ','.join(train_input_path) else: pipeline_config.parquet_train_input = train_input_path else: if isinstance(train_input_path, list): pipeline_config.train_input_path = ','.join(train_input_path) else: pipeline_config.train_input_path = train_input_path'update train_input_path to %s' % pipeline_config.train_input_path) return pipeline_config
[docs]def set_eval_input_path(pipeline_config, eval_input_path): if pipeline_config.WhichOneof('eval_path') == 'hive_eval_input': if isinstance(eval_input_path, list): assert len( eval_input_path ) <= 1, 'only support one hive_eval_input.table_name when hive input' pipeline_config.hive_eval_input.table_name = eval_input_path[0] else: assert len( eval_input_path.split(',') ) <= 1, 'only support one hive_eval_input.table_name when hive input' pipeline_config.hive_eval_input.table_name = eval_input_path'update hive_eval_input.table_name to %s' % pipeline_config.hive_eval_input.table_name) elif pipeline_config.WhichOneof('eval_path') == 'parquet_eval_input': if isinstance(eval_input_path, list): pipeline_config.parquet_eval_input = ','.join(eval_input_path) else: pipeline_config.parquet_eval_input = eval_input_path elif pipeline_config.WhichOneof('eval_path') == 'kafka_eval_input': if isinstance(eval_input_path, list): pipeline_config.kafka_eval_input = ','.join(eval_input_path) else: pipeline_config.kafka_eval_input = eval_input_path else: if isinstance(eval_input_path, list): pipeline_config.eval_input_path = ','.join(eval_input_path) else: pipeline_config.eval_input_path = eval_input_path'update eval_input_path to %s' % pipeline_config.eval_input_path) return pipeline_config
[docs]def process_data_path(data_path, hive_util): if data_path.startswith('hdfs://'): return data_path if re.match(r'(.*)\.(.*)', data_path): hdfs_path = hive_util.get_table_location(data_path) assert hdfs_path, "Can't find hdfs path of %s" % data_path'update %s to %s' % (data_path, hdfs_path)) return hdfs_path return data_path
[docs]def process_neg_sampler_data_path(pipeline_config): # replace neg_sampler hive table => hdfs path if pai_util.is_on_pai(): return if not pipeline_config.data_config.HasField('sampler'): return # not using hive, so not need to process it if pipeline_config.WhichOneof('train_path') != 'hive_train_input': return hive_util = HiveUtils( data_config=pipeline_config.data_config, hive_config=pipeline_config.hive_train_input) sampler_type = pipeline_config.data_config.WhichOneof('sampler') sampler_config = getattr(pipeline_config.data_config, sampler_type) if hasattr(sampler_config, 'input_path'): sampler_config.input_path = process_data_path(sampler_config.input_path, hive_util) if hasattr(sampler_config, 'user_input_path'): sampler_config.user_input_path = process_data_path( sampler_config.user_input_path, hive_util) if hasattr(sampler_config, 'item_input_path'): sampler_config.item_input_path = process_data_path( sampler_config.item_input_path, hive_util) if hasattr(sampler_config, 'pos_edge_input_path'): sampler_config.pos_edge_input_path = process_data_path( sampler_config.pos_edge_input_path, hive_util) if hasattr(sampler_config, 'hard_neg_edge_input_path'): sampler_config.hard_neg_edge_input_path = process_data_path( sampler_config.hard_neg_edge_input_path, hive_util)
[docs]def parse_extra_config_param(extra_args, edit_config_json): arg_num = len(extra_args) arg_id = 0 while arg_id < arg_num: if extra_args[arg_id].startswith('--data_config.') or \ extra_args[arg_id].startswith('--train_config.') or \ extra_args[arg_id].startswith('--feature_config.') or \ extra_args[arg_id].startswith('--model_config.') or \ extra_args[arg_id].startswith('--export_config.') or \ extra_args[arg_id].startswith('--eval_config.'): tmp_arg = extra_args[arg_id][2:] if '=' in tmp_arg: sep_pos = tmp_arg.find('=') k = tmp_arg[:sep_pos] v = tmp_arg[(sep_pos + 1):] v = v.strip(' "\'') edit_config_json[k] = v arg_id += 1 elif arg_id + 1 < len(extra_args): edit_config_json[tmp_arg] = extra_args[arg_id + 1].strip(' "\'') arg_id += 2 else: logging.error('missing value for arg: %s' % extra_args[arg_id]) sys.exit(1) else: logging.error('unknown args: %s' % extra_args[arg_id]) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def process_multi_file_input_path(sampler_config_input_path): if '*' in sampler_config_input_path: input_path = ','.join( file_path for file_path in tf.gfile.Glob(sampler_config_input_path.split(','))) else: input_path = sampler_config_input_path return input_path