Source code for easy_rec.python.utils.load_class

# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
""" tools for loading classes."""

import inspect
import logging
import os
import pkgutil
import pydoc
import traceback
from abc import ABCMeta

import six
import tensorflow as tf

import easy_rec
from easy_rec.python.utils import compat

[docs]def python_file_to_module(python_file): mod = python_file.strip('/').replace('/', '.') if mod.endswith('.py'): mod = mod[:-3] return mod
[docs]def load_by_path(path): """Load functions or modules or classes. Args: path: path to modules or functions or classes, such as: tf.nn.relu Return: modules or functions or classes """ path = path.strip() if path == '' or path is None: return None if 'lambda' in path: return eval(path) components = path.split('.') if components[0] == 'tf': components[0] = 'tensorflow' path = '.'.join(components) try: return pydoc.locate(path) except pydoc.ErrorDuringImport: logging.error('load %s failed: %s' % (path, traceback.format_exc())) return None
def _get_methods(aClass): def should_track(func_name): return func_name == '__init__' or func_name[0] != '_' names = sorted(dir(aClass), key=str.lower) attrs = [(n, getattr(aClass, n)) for n in names if should_track(n)] # in python3 , unbound class method is function while is # method in python2 if compat.in_python3(): return dict((n, a) for n, a in attrs if inspect.isfunction(a)) else: return dict((n, a) for n, a in attrs if inspect.ismethod(a)) def _get_method_declare(aMethod): try: name = aMethod.__name__ if compat.in_python3(): sig_str = str(inspect.signature(aMethod)) return sig_str else: spec = inspect.getargspec(aMethod) args = inspect.formatargspec(spec.args, spec.varargs, spec.keywords, spec.defaults) return '%s%s' % (name, args) except TypeError: return '%s(cls, ...)' % name
[docs]def check_class(cls, impl_cls, function_names=None): """Check implemented class is valid according to template class. if function signature is not the same, exception will be raised. Args: cls: class which declares functions that need users to implement impl_cls: user implemented class function_names: if not None, will only check these funtions and their signature """ missing = {} ours = _get_methods(cls) theirs = _get_methods(impl_cls) for name, method in six.iteritems(ours): if function_names is not None and name not in function_names: continue if name not in theirs: missing[name + '()'] = 'not implemented' continue ourf = _get_method_declare(method) theirf = _get_method_declare(theirs[name]) if not (ourf == theirf): missing[name + '()'] = 'method signature differs' if len(missing) > 0: raise Exception('incompatible Implementation-implementation %s: %s' % (impl_cls.__class__.__name__, missing))
[docs]def import_pkg(pkg_info, prefix_to_remove=None): """Import package. Args: pkg_info: pkgutil.ModuleInfo object prefix_to_remove: the package prefix to be removed """ package_path = pkg_info[0].path if prefix_to_remove is not None: package_path = package_path.replace(prefix_to_remove, '') mod_name = pkg_info[1] if package_path.startswith('/'): # absolute path file, we should use relative import mod = pkg_info[0].find_module(mod_name) if mod is not None: # skip those test files in easyrec if not mod_name.endswith('_test'): mod.load_module(pkg_info[1]) else: raise Exception('import module %s failed' % (package_path + mod_name)) else: # use similar import methods as the import keyword module_path = os.path.join(package_path, mod_name).replace('/', '.') # skip those test files if not mod_name.endswith('_test'): try: __import__(module_path) except Exception as e: import traceback logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise ValueError('import module %s failed: %s' % (module_path, str(e)))
[docs]def auto_import(user_path=None): """Auto import python files so that register_xxx decorator will take effect. By default, we will import files in pre-defined directory and import all files recursively in user_dir Args: user_path: directory or file that store user-defined python code, by default we wiil only search file in current directory """ # True False indicates import recursively or not pre_defined_dirs = [ ('easy_rec/python/model', False), ('easy_rec/python/input', False), ] parent_dir = easy_rec.parent_dir prefix_to_remove = None # dealing with easy-rec in sited-packages, remove parent directory prefix # to make class name starts with easy_rec if parent_dir != '': for idx in range(len(pre_defined_dirs)): pre_defined_dirs[idx] = (os.path.join(parent_dir, pre_defined_dirs[idx][0]), pre_defined_dirs[idx][1]) prefix_to_remove = parent_dir + '/' if user_path is not None: if tf.gfile.IsDirectory(user_path): user_dir = user_path else: user_dir, _ = os.path.split(user_path) pre_defined_dirs.append((user_dir, True)) for dir_path, recursive_import in pre_defined_dirs: for pkg_info in pkgutil.iter_modules([dir_path]): import_pkg(pkg_info, prefix_to_remove) if recursive_import: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir_path): for subdir in dirs: dirname = os.path.join(root, subdir) for pkg_info in pkgutil.iter_modules([dirname]): import_pkg(pkg_info, prefix_to_remove)
[docs]def register_class(class_map, class_name, cls): assert class_name not in class_map or class_map[class_name] == cls, \ 'confilict class %s , %s is already register to be %s' % ( cls, class_name, str(class_map[class_name])) logging.debug('register class %s' % class_name) class_map[class_name] = cls
[docs]def get_register_class_meta(class_map, have_abstract_class=True): class RegisterABCMeta(ABCMeta): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): newclass = super(RegisterABCMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) register_class(class_map, name, newclass) @classmethod def create_class(cls, name): if name in class_map: return class_map[name] else: raise Exception('Class %s is not registered. Available ones are %s' % (name, list(class_map.keys()))) setattr(newclass, 'create_class', create_class) return newclass return RegisterABCMeta
[docs]def load_keras_layer(name): """Load keras layer class. Args: name: keras layer name Return: (layer_class, is_customize) """ name = name.strip() if name == '' or name is None: return None path = 'easy_rec.python.layers.keras.' + name try: cls = pydoc.locate(path) if cls is not None: return cls, True path = 'tensorflow.keras.layers.' + name return pydoc.locate(path), False except pydoc.ErrorDuringImport: print('load keras layer %s failed' % name) logging.error('load keras layer %s failed: %s' % (name, traceback.format_exc())) return None, False